Oregon’s new COVID-19 rules begin Thursday. Here is what you need to know


Governor Kate Brown’s temporary freeze put in place two weeks ago to curb the spread of COVID-19 ended on Thursday. But new restrictions come as state leaders and public health officials wait to see if Thanksgiving gatherings have added to the growing number of cases and brace for the possibility of even greater risks during the Christmas holidays. and New Years.

The new system is a bit more complicated than the gel; it’s a four-tier system based on how each of Oregon’s 36 counties does when it comes to tracking and testing for the virus.

How it will work

Most of Oregon – 25 counties, including the Portland area and much of the Willamette Valley, Rogue Valley, and central Oregon – are now classified as “extremely high risk.”

Related: Sector risk level orientation table

For at least the next two weeks, the rules for these communities will look and feel similar to what has been in place since the governor’s freeze took effect.

Indoor meals are not allowed and social gatherings are limited to six people and no more than two households. Stores are limited to 50% of their capacity – that’s less than what was allowed in the past two weeks.

Gyms, cinemas, bowling alleys and other indoor leisure spaces will remain closed. Indoor K-12 and collegiate sports are prohibited. Some outdoor recreation, including outdoor gym classes, is allowed as long as it involves 50 people or less and social distancing rules are followed.

Churches, synagogues and other faith-based organizations are limited to a maximum of 25% capacity or 100 people inside, whichever is smaller, or 150 people for outside services.

Salons, chiropractors, and other personal service industries are permitted to remain open with appropriate security protocols in place. Nursing homes and assisted living centers can accommodate visitors.

Offices and other workplaces should require employees to work remotely if possible.

External visits are authorized in retirement homes.

More flexible rules for low risk areas

The guidelines are more flexible in places where conditions are less dangerous. Certain indoor meals are permitted in these 11 counties, as are certain indoor sports. Shops and religious institutions are still limited in the number of people they can allow at a time. Interior visits are permitted in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in low-risk communities.

Only four counties – Gilliam, Sherman, Wallowa and Wheeler – are currently considered “low risk”. Even in these places, life has not returned to normal before the pandemic: New restrictions limit social gatherings to 10 people or fewer in low-risk counties, cap restaurant seats at 50% of their capacity and limit stores to 75% of their capacity.

Heads of state and public health officials remain very concerned for the coming weeks. It’s too early to say whether Thanksgiving gatherings will result in a dreaded spike in cases. State regulators will reconsider the current limits and risk levels in two weeks, so the new limits are in place until at least December 17.

The numbers continue to rise: The Oregon Health Authority reported 9,100 new cases daily during Thanksgiving week, the highest weekly total since the start of the pandemic.


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