Orioles, Blue Jays derail with body hits, NSFW tirades


Okay, this one is definitely the strangest of the bunch. Late in the second inning, with Baltimore at bat and Toronto pitcher Robbie Ray on the mound, Orioles manager Brandon Hyde left of the canoe.

Apparently, for no real reason, Hyde started guiding Ray with comments, becoming very NSFW in his trashy speech. Obviously, language warning on the video below.

Hyde got SUPER heated up, for reasons no one could fully comprehend as the game was being played. Then, of course, there was that after Ray took out Richie Martin.

Yeah, you don’t really need a lip reader for that one, do you?

The whole incident is really fair … came out of nowhere in the middle of the game. There is sound heard before the exchange that could have been the cause of the incident, but no one really knows!

After the game, Hyde apologized for the explosion before answering questions from the media after the game.

Definitely one of the strangest interactions between a manager and an opposing player that we have seen in quite some time. But of course that brings us to …


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