Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry's Wedding Location, Date, Dress, Celebrity Guests


Great news, 2019 has already had a celebrity engagement and it's only March. Yerp, the Elf Bae Known as Orlando Bloom proposed to his longtime girlfriend Katy Perry, which means a wedding is right around the corner. It aussi I am desperately hoping is Lord of the Rings-themed and / or involves elven cos-play.



^ Me, thirstily hunting for information about this wedding.

Here's what we know about Katy's and Orlando's nuptials so far, and it's going to be there.

First Up, Are They Actually Getting Married in Disney World?

Tabloids have been reporting that Katy and Orlando are getting married in a blowout ceremony at Cinderella's Castle. Which, to be clear, is located in Disney World. Wow, how totally normal and not at all tacky!

So are they really getting married in this magical theme park, or nah? According to Gossip Cop, not so much. But only time will tell! Until then, all we can do is pray.

They Actually Have not * Really * Started Planning Yet

At source People that the couple is "still busy enjoying and celebrating their commitment" and that "they have a lot of time to share with you."

Oh, and speaking of commitments, reminder that Katy's ring looks like this:

Some people love it (me) while others do not (haters), so please weigh in:

They MIGHT Have a Destination Wedding

While they're still working out details, sources tell Us Weekly that Katy and Orly are "thinking of a destination wedding."

You know what a cool destination would be? The Hobbiton Movie Set in New Zealand. Just saying.



That's all for now, but check back because much like winter, UPDATES ARE COMING.


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