Our complete list of the best Prime Day offers [UPDATED]


It is now past 3 o'clock. July 15, Eastern Time, which officially means First Day, the summer "party" was invented by Amazon, invented to offer you black Friday deals five months before Christmas ! This year's Prime Day lasts 48 hours (the longest first day of all time) and runs until tomorrow, July 16th. The Daily Dealer will cover the transactions continuously over the next two days.

Check out the Daily Dealer regularly or check the list below, which we will constantly update with the best deals we will find. Many offers are available all day, but some have expiry dates, so be sure to pay attention to them so you do not miss them!

The new 32GB LG Pen 4 smartphone at $ 140 off

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

Looking for a new phone or need a replacement? You do not want to break the bank for one? The all-new LG Pen 4 smartphone has features that make it competitive with more expensive $ 1,000 phones, and for Prime Day only, Premium members can save $ 140 (47% off) on the regular price of $ 299. , $ 99. This means that you can get a new LG Pen 4 to use with any major mobile operator for only $ 159.9, if you are a primary member. If you're not a primary member, sign up and become one here, it's worth it to take advantage of the free two-day shipping and savings you can get on these exclusive two-day sales!

Turn any speaker into a smart speaker – Amazon Echo Entry: 57% off

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

The smart speakers are all the rage today, but many of us already have speakers that we like and it seems useless to buy a new one. With the Amazon echo input device, you can turn any home speaker into a smart speaker with Amazon's Alexa technology. Alexa technology allows you to control your speaker verbally, so you do not have to constantly control the volume and change songs on your phone. Echo Input allows your home speaker to stream your favorite music, SiriusXM channel, podcast, or give you the latest update with a $ 14.99 Prime Day offer!

Save $ 129.99 on Ring Ring Pro + Echo Dot Video Ringtone Free

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

To make your home a little safer, install a Ring Video Doorbell system in your home. The Ring Doorbell system has helped revolutionize home security by allowing users to see who is in front of their door without having to open it. The motion detector is activated on the doorbell and warns you through Amazon Echo devices when motion is detected. The bells allow you to see, hear and talk to anyone at the door so you know you're safe before you open the door. As a main member, the pair Ring Doorbell and Echo will cost you $ 169.99 this Prime Day. If you're not a primary member, sign up and become one here, it's worth it to take advantage of the free two-day shipping and savings you can get on these exclusive two-day sales!

The Fitbit ionic watch is $ 50 off

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

Smart watches have been raging in recent years, allowing users to access applications, weather reports and music directly from their wrists. Fitbit has released its Ionic watch which also gives users access to daily fitness statistics to stay motivated throughout the day! The ionic watch is an affordable option for those who do not want to spend tons of money on a smart watch. It's even more affordable with Amazon Prime Day offers! As an Amazon Premium member, you can save 50 USD on your Fitbit Ionic and get it for 200 USD!

A new 128GB Apple iPad – $ 80 off

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

IPads are a popular device among busy people who are always on the move. The ultra light and easy to carry iPad is a $ 100 discount for Prime Day this year! IPads are easy-to-use tablets that can be synchronized with all your Apple products and allow you to access information about all your devices. The 128GB model has a storage space four times greater than that of a typical iPad, which allows you to access working documents and all your photos, your movies and your favorite music from the same place! Get the 128GB Apple iPad for $ 249.00 as an Amazon Premium Member.

Fitness Tracker Fitbit Charge 3 – Save 20%

(Photo via Amazon)

(Photo via Amazon)

Fitness monitoring has become a national obsession, and Americans across the country are trying to be healthier to become healthier. The Fitbit Charge 3 is a fitness monitor that will track not only your workouts, but your movements throughout the day! It will report your daily calorie consumption, your steps, your heart rate, the quality of your sleep, and follow your workouts so that you have a complete analysis of your health and fitness in general. Keep your wallet and wallet in shape on this main day by saving 20% ​​on the Fitbit Charge 3 as a core member – get yours for $ 119.95! If you are not a Premium member, sign up here and do not miss these two days of savings!

For more savings and to check out all the latest offers, check out this Amazon Prime Day Deals update page here!


Do you have a suggestion for an interesting product or deal that Daily Caller readers need to know? Email the daily dealer at [email protected].

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