Outriders Demo Update Fixes – Then roll back the loot changes


Outriders is very popular since the demo of the game released at the end of last month. People Can Fly updated the demo, pushing for some changes, one of which included a controversial loot change, which the community weren’t so happy with.

Changes to loot revolved around Epic and Legendary items received from chests. Below is a short list of the original changes:

Changes to loot

  • Epic items will no longer appear in stores and vendors (in the demo).
  • Chests will no longer drop Legendary items.
  • Side Quest rewards (on repeats) will now have a chance to drop Legendary items.

According to the developers, a Lootcave, where players could acquire 3 chests and a store feat, was deemed “not in the spirit of the game.” Instead, the team decided to push the Legendary and Epic Farmer Groups to receive these items upon completion of the side quests.

March 6e, however, a little flashback occurred, when People Can Fly posted a change, stating that due to community feedback, the Gauss Boss Chest will continue to drop Legendary items, as they consider it to be a meeting with a boss. While this particular chest will drop Legendaries, other chests still won’t. It was also mentioned that many of the changes in the demo patch are strictly for the demo, and players are likely to see these things change later.


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