Overwatch 2 features “hundreds” of hero missions, character dialogs, updated hero skins, dynamic maps, and more.


Blizzard has provided more information on Overwatch 2 as promised.

Full of Overwatch 2 the information was dropped yesterday after the BlizzConline 2021 opening ceremony in a separate segment.

In it, the Overwatch 2 team offers a first look at some new locations players will travel to in the upcoming sequel, including Rome, which serves as the backdrop for a map in the new Push mode, and future Earth. of Overwatch in New York.

You also get a glimpse of evolving new looks from the heroes of the original Overwatch, including McCree, Pharah, Reaper, and Widowmaker. Expect some to look a bit more technical, like McCree, or full armor like Pharah.

Developments resulting from player feedback on the Overwatch 2 demo at BlizzCon 2019 included the evolution of some enemies of Null Sector. These include a look at new enemies in the Void Sector like the Stalker and the Breacher. The purpose of these enemies is to make them more attractive and that involved evolving current units and adding new ones. So expect different types of spawning units depending on what you’re doing on a map where you’re tasked with going to a certain location or doing an escort mission, for example. And some units may not even attack players, like the Breacher, whose only goal is to hit its objective and explode. Other enemies include Slicer, Puller, and ELite units like the Omnic Grunt.

A preview of the latest iteration of Talents, which is part of the progression system that allows players to customize heroes’ abilities in the sequel’s all-new co-op experience, has also been provided. With the Talent System, you will be able to play heroes in different ways. With the skill tree, you will be able to experiment with your character, and each hero has a different tree.

The video also provides an update on story missions and hero missions, including how the team brings the world to life and a behind-the-scenes look at the creation process. The goal of Hero Missions is for these to be a cooperative PvE experience that players take part in to level up their heroes, but the team doesn’t want this to feel like a grind, so there has to be a lot of missions. . The goal is therefore to achieve as many as possible, even hundreds of hero missions.

At the same time, hero missions can take place in all multiplayer maps which will also have new spaces added. For example, in a Hero Missions game test, the taming happened in an area of ​​Kings’ Row that has a door. The door opens and there is a new area of ​​King’s Row never seen before.

Another example is a dynamic sandstorm on the Temple of Anubis map. Basically, the team aims to provide a more dynamic world, with day and night effects that complement the map’s position in the world at that time, as well as wind and atmosphere.

The team also discussed how they are experimenting with an idea called rolling passives in PvP. Tank Heroes will have reduced recoil against them, to make them more of a head-to-toe brawler, and less of a character who just stands back and protects others. Using Reinhardt as an example, the team gave him two charges of Fire Strike so he could throw them more often and more aggressively. He is also able to cancel his charge now.

Damage Protection Heroes have a movement speed bonus, and Support Heroes have automatic healing that kicks in after they haven’t taken damage for a certain amount of time.

Blizzard says it’s reviewing “pretty much everything,” and nothing is on the table.

Sojourn, the new character coming with Overwatch 2 was briefly discussed, and she is quickly becoming a team “favorite” in part because of her Railgun, as the character is all about “aiming skill.”

According to Overwatch lead designer Jeff Kaplan, the Overwatch 2 team is exploring new game modes and also re-evaluating old game modes that people criticize more, using 2CP as an example of a mode that might not not get into the game. Kaplan said the team really wanted the game to feel like the next evolution and a true sequel to the first game.

Finally, the story was touched on, which will help determine who is behind the second Ominic uprising, why it is happening, and how far it has spread around the world. Each story mission will have an intro and an exit, so expect the story to be more integrated than before. All available heroes will receive dialogue for a given mission. There’s a hookup dialogue system, so if you have Genji and Mercy in the game’s second mission, you might have different dialogue about their relationship.

A condensed overview of what to expect with Overwatch 2 can be found in the latest Developer Blog post. Blizzard has promised more frequent updates to the game as it develops, and not to expect the game to be released quickly, as the team needs time to make sure everything is okay, and full of polish before you can get your hands on it.

Overwatch 2 was revealed in November 2019 at BlizzCon, where it was announced that all 31 heroes, and more, would receive an updated look, and the game will feature hero Sojourn and several new heroes. All cosmetics and advancements will be incorporated into the game, and Overwatch 1 and 2 players can play together in a shared PvP multiplayer environment.

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