Overwatch gives Roadhog IT Halloween Terror skin and fans love it


Overwatch has revealed a spooky new look for Roadhog as the first Halloween Terror 2021 skin, and players are already loving it.

Halloween Terror is always a fan favorite as it gives us some of the best skins and cosmetics to collect during one of the game’s seasonal events.

In addition to revealing that the 2021 festivities are will start on October 12, Blizzard also previewed a brand new skin for Roadhog, and it already looks like a success.

Even though the clip is only 10 seconds long, we actually get a pretty good look at Hog’s new skin. If you couldn’t tell by the ball, the chariot is now a terrifying computer-style clown, with a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth.

He’s definitely up for the scariest skin in Roadhog, just from this brief rundown. Pennyhog is probably epic skin, as we can still see his shoulder tire, and his vest has the same base pattern as well.

Players seem to be enjoying the horror film tribute, with plenty of jokes about a clown being the perfect look for the main Roadhogs.

“Oh wow, would you look at that, the perfect skin for pork players!” Overwatch Twitch streamer Flats responded, attracting at least a few upset Hog Stans in the process.

Krook, an Overwatch Twitter enthusiast, also gave his approval, and although there was a lot from responses complaining about a lack of fresh gameplay content, most players seem ready to unlock new skins.

With Overwatch 2 in development and (hopefully) released in 2022, this could also be the last year of Halloween Terror in the original game. We have no idea at this point what the event might look like in the sequel, but we do know that it will be difficult to find a more spooky Roadhog skin than this.


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