Overwatch Player creates a functional portal gun in the workshop


the Overwatch Workshop may be one of the best features that developers could have added to the already very popular shooter. It allows players to tinker with their own game modes, heroes, weapons and more by giving them access to some of the script used to develop the game. That said, we've already seen quite impressive creations from our fans, but one of them is now gone and brought an element from another franchise. Someone created a functioning Portal firearm inside Overwatch, and now we have a little need in the live game.

The Twitter user "andygmb1" recently shared a video of their creation. In collaboration with another dedicated player, both have developed a working system Portal gun that is definitely a sight to behold. Although they were not able to replicate the gun itself to look like the famous franchise, they were able to modify Symmetra's capabilities until they replicated the model. Portal effect. Check it below.

For those who hang around Overwatch Workshop, you can try it yourself. The code is BE2J7. Needless to say, this is certainly something that many players would like to have in the game. Of course, this would make the game competitive rather interesting, but think of Total Mayhem with a Portal gun. It seems like a good time for me. In fact, Blizzard is also a fan of creation and reacted to the video above.

Indeed, that's it. Overwatch is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. To learn more about the game, including what the Workshop is about, check out some of our previous covers.

What do you think about this? Would you like to see a Portal firearm Overwatch, even if it's just a time-limited event? What other gaming weapons would work well in Blizzard FPS? Ring in the comments section below or feel free to contact me on Twitter @ anarkE7!


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