Overwatch players already think Baptiste's field of immortality is broken | Dexerto.com


Since Baptiste appeared on the PTR Overwatch, players have been trying to understand the ins and outs of the new hero kit, and his Immortality field has already attracted a lot of attention.

The Immortality field is one of Baptiste's basic skills and, once deployed, he sends a drone that prevents allies from dying if they remain in the aura of the drone.

This is undoubtedly a powerful ability, the Overwatch streamer, Seagull, has shown that it could fundamentally counter an Ana grenade. But some players think that this ability is a little too controlled.

Since Baptiste hit the PTR, several players have posted videos of themselves deploying the Immortality field drone under payload, where it unfolds afterwards.

At first glance, it seems that the aura of the Immortality field is deployed around the payload and that the drone of this field is very well protected from attacks.

But the Immortality field depends on the line of sight for the protection to take effect, so if the players can not see the drone, it does not protect them.

If a fight went above the payload and blocked it, the Immortality field would not be destroyed instantly. But the field would still struggle to protect the team of Baptiste effectively.

Maybe Blizzard will try to solve this problem, but that will probably not be a priority as it is unlikely to happen naturally in a normal match.


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