Overwatch training could eventually get seasonal rotation and hero bans


Overwatch's new hero, Baptiste, brings up to 30 playable characters to the lineup. Blizzard does not intend to stop developing new characters and already has several concepts in preparation. But the studio had the idea of ​​using tools such as rotating heroes or bans to help manage the list if it became too heavy.

"We play with a group of heroes, a set of ideas, a set of game concepts," said hero designer Geoff Goodman, during a Q & A session with the media , followed by GameSpot. "As long as people play Overwatch, we try to add content."

This can eventually lead to a list that is simply too big to be manageable. Although the company does not intend to implement immediate solutions to this hypothetical problem, it has considered some solutions to remedy this problem.

"We're talking pretty well about [rotating heroes]"That's what's associated with hero bans, hero choices, etc. because they're both related to the size of the workforce," Goodman said. "We do not have a plan for it at the moment, it comes back in the conversation, if we have a large enough squad we could take advantage of it, or maybe we could do something like that at each We're talking about it somehow, we have no plans, and for the moment we do not think we're going to have enough heroes where that makes sense. let's get to a point where we feel too many, so we could do something like that. "

Baptiste is now available on the PC test server and will soon be deployed on public servers and other platforms. He is a combat doctor with a three-cartridge rifle and he can create a field that prevents all his allies from being killed for a short time. Its ultimate ability sets up a window-like structure that amplifies projectile damage or the healing of allies passing through.


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