Packers’ 2020 season recap and anticipation of a critical offseason


It’s time again for Zach and Jack to talk about Pack.

Packers Wire editor-in-chief Zach Kruse and contributor Jack Wepfer discussed the Packers’ 2020 season and what could be in store for Matt LaFleur’s side this offseason, which started in Green Bay two weeks too early. .

Let’s go dig …

Zach: All right, Jack. We’ve had a week to digest the end of the 2020 Packers season. It still seems a bit surreal, although I’ve probably watched the title game 10 times now. My confidence level was so high going into this game, and it’s still hard to believe they missed so many chances at the Super Bowl gate … again. Now the Packers are replacing two coordinators and heading into the early stages of a critical offseason. What are your general feelings about how this season has ended and where this team could be headed? It’s very tempting to think that this was their big chance, and they ruined it, and now Brian Gutekunst and Russ Ball have to do gymnastics to maintain the level of talent of this team and prevent a smooth rebuild. It’s going to be some very interesting months, to say the least.

Jack: Granted, when you’ve watched enough professional football, you see enough times of teams that can’t hit while the proverbial iron is hot, to fall by the wayside the following year. I thought San Francisco was the class of the NFC, and now they’re in the top 12. But I digress. Like you, I thought this team had it. The adjective I used after their Division Round victory was “great”. I really thought they had the ingredients to win. Maybe not enough to beat Kansas City in the Super Bowl, but I thought they could take control of this game and beat Tampa Bay. I was certainly wary of clashes – the way Tampa Bay could stop the race, combined with how Green Bay needed to set the race to exploit their offense under less than ideal conditions. Even so, an MVP-level Rodgers with respectable defense still seemed like their necessary recipe to move forward. It was kind of like 2014, and like 2014, they failed. Now I don’t know what the recipe is. With two new coordinators, virtually no ceiling space and limited flexibility, it will indeed be difficult to get this team above the hump. What’s your plan of action, Zach? Obviously, there’s a lot to sort through, including the draft class record, but what are some things GM Kruse would be looking to do?

Zach: I’m really glad it’s GM Gutekunst and not GM Kruse as it has quite the maze to go over the next few months. Hopefully the salary cap ends up going over $ 175 million. If not, the Packers will need to create a significant amount of space just to functionally function during the offseason. I think the key will be to convert the middle class of roster veterans into manageable successes for 2021, whether that’s cutting out existing players and adding much cheaper free agency versions, or rewiring existing players. (think: Preston Smith, Rick Wagner, Dean Lowry, etc.). In terms of plan, I think this team needs to improve on the cornerback, build long-term depth in the offensive tackle and maybe add another playmaker on the attack, but a big part of the plan will be determined by what’s going on with the unrestricted free agents and the other 2021 cap hits that may no longer exist. Of course, there is also this quarterback. Redoing his agreement would free up space. It will be for me the most fascinating story of the next few months; Will the Packers give Aaron Rodgers back some control and start pushing Jordan Love down the path of Jimmy Garoppolo, or will they keep their options open after 2021? How they run his business will tell us A LOT. So, I went very vague with my answer, Jack, but do you have any specific things that you would add to your plan?

Jack: It is difficult to be precise. I have a glimpse of some things that I would love to explore if I were the GM, but I’m not determined to do anything. If the last offseason has taught us anything, it’s that the perception of a need is not always as strong as its reality.

I love the fact that you mentioned the depth of the offensive tackles. You’ve written a lot this season, but the Packers were so good on the offensive line; However, I’ll just say the quiet part out loud: Much of this success, in my opinion (of course), was due to the LaFleur system working. In the moments when the offense returned to five-width football, the depth of the offensive line has been exposed. The Tampa Bay forward is good, but they’ve taken the Packers out of the game altogether. If possible, getting a Day 1 starter and an upgrade on Wagner / Turner would make that offense a bit more of a match proof. This is the kind of movement I would like to see. I have less worries about the comeback. If they don’t want to make it a priority, then I think the cornerback is the other “to fix”. Jaire Alexander has become a half-field eraser this year, giving defensive coordinators a lot of flexibility when planning the game. I can’t help but think of the Jets’ defense when Darrelle Revis was up to the task. of his powers and they went out to find Antonio Cromartie. I’m not saying Alexander is Revis, few were / are, but Alexnder was arguably the best corner kick in the NFL last season. Pairing it with a first-round turn or exploring a proven veteran with a nice number of caps could solidify the defense more than any positional improvement.

As for Rodgers / Love. I think the Packers need to play hardball this season. They have all the leverage and giving Rodgers more guaranteed money would actually undermine Jordan Love’s development / transition strategy. We just saw how inflated the quarterback market is. In my opinion, the smart game is to let it have another offseason.

Zach: I like the idea of ​​having a veteran cornerback play away from Alexander. Someone with a little less variance than Kevin King. Maybe the next defensive coordinator can unravel the mystery of Josh Jackson. I doubt it a bit, but who knows. They will also have to decide if they are comfortable with Chandon Sullivan playing in the slot full time, or if they want to find some competition there, or do something safe and let Darnell Savage play. nickel more. Either way, cornerback is a really intriguing position this offseason.

I’m not worried about the U-turn either. Aaron Jones is special, and it won’t be fun to lose him, but if you’ve got the right plan and the right blockers up front, running back talent won’t make much of a difference. Maybe they can grab Jamaal Williams with a cheap, short deal and draft another running back in the middle of the rounds.

Let’s end with this: what are you looking for in the next defensive coordinator? This decision can be as important as any player they add or lose. I think Matt LaFleur had to move on from Mike Pettine, who probably didn’t maximize talent and is partially (or largely) responsible for the Packers’ back-to-back NFC title loss. But just changing the coordinator won’t guarantee that the Packers will improve their defense in 2021. LaFleur enters the recruiting cycle very late and has already lost some of the better options, but I think there are some schemers. candidates available. Something you are looking for specifically? I see the benefits of an experienced and accomplished option like Wade Phillips, but I think I lean more towards a promising young coach who will inject energy and aggression into this talented group. Thoughts?

Jack: In a way, I am quite ambivalent about the identity of the coordinator. Some names are intriguing. Jim Leonhard, for obvious reasons, is one. But, unless we’re in the classroom, we don’t know where the credit balance should be. Is the teacher really good? Or are students just naturally intelligent and inherently motivated? Granted, the Packers have cornerstones on defense, and I think it’s fair to suggest that Pettine hasn’t maximized that talent. To the extent that he didn’t? I am not sure. Still, what I’d like to see – and maybe this is where a younger, off-the-radar candidate comes in – is someone bringing a certain fire that transfers to defense. Define the edges. Fill in the gaps. Do the dirty work so the passing throwers can rush the passer and the secondary can intercept the passes. If they can find someone who also innovates on the defensive end of the ball, that’s even better.

Zach: I think we are on the same page.

And so a pivotal offseason in Titletown begins. Two new coordinators. Potential removal of experienced talent from the list. Questions about the quarterback’s future after 2021. It seems like such an important couple of months. Can LaFleur find the right recruits in defense and special teams? Can Gutekunst and the Packers keep the Super Bowl window open with Rodgers? What will this franchise look like in a year? So much can change quickly in the NFL. They’re a team coming out of a special season, and they’re about to do something great, but there’s still a lot of work to do. Buckle up your belt.


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