Packers S Raven Greene changes the uniform number to 24


Recruit Safety Darnell Savage was not the only member of the Green Bay Packers' defense to want to change the number of uniforms before the start of the 2019 season.

One day after Savage traded number 26 against number 21, second-year safety Raven Greene turned his number 36 to get a new pair of numbers. He will now wear number 24, which was last worn by Josh Jones.

Savage and Greene will both be important members of Mike Pettine's defense. While Savage is a security starter, Greene is the first replacement for the position and the first option at the linebacker, a location increasingly crucial for Pettine.

Greene, who was number 5 at James Madison University, formed the Packers roster as an undeveloped free agent last season. He played eight games before getting injured in the ankle.

Make no mistake Thursday night in Chicago. Number 21 is not Natrell Jamerson. Number 24 is not Josh Jones.


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