Pagan online preview


Pagan online preview

We had the opportunity to sit down with the Pagan Online team to review some of the game updates that are making waves in the role-playing space. In a genre that continues to innovate and bring together players from a very hardcore community, Pagan Online brings a new interpretation of the hack and slash nature of these titles. Created by Uros Banjesevic and the Mad Head Games team, Pagan is released by which has turned a few heads when it was announced. Overall, the game seems to innovate and until now, we like what we see.


Pagan hosts a family of heroes whose player will be responsible. This is not a single character that runs through all the adventures. You will unlock new heroes by attaching yourself to a god theme of ancient tradition. Your team will be built on various skills and you will be able to choose the character that will best suit the mission. Players will be able to unlock skins based on their progress and not just micro-transactions. It was important for developers to actually create a team-based RPG system.

Wargaming was involved because the publisher had spent several years watching different games after launching Master of Orion. The company had a small team in charge of finding solid games for a publishing platform, even if they had no historical base. Intelligently, Wargaming had to diversify and they began to embark on smaller projects with studios having a similar approach to their beginnings.

One of the key design tools that mattered to the team was to move Pagan Online from a mouse-based action RPG to a WASD movement system. These games can become slightly boring in terms of the character's slow direction and the team wanted to build it to make it much more dynamic for the player. The first step was to use the movement patterns commonly seen in third-person role plays. The skills and max maxing are built from this basic idea. Another idea is the address firing system that rewards the planning of attacks and movement to put in place a devastating skill. These high-level moments are sometimes overlooked in action games because you are too busy crushing hordes of enemies. The team wanted to change that and bring strong moments to every fight.

Speed ​​progression is another long-standing tradition in the genre. Pagan Online wants your equipment to count for the fights in which you will evolve. When you change character to handle different tasks, your gear inventory builds up and eventually aligns with battle types.

In narrative terms, the game has high hopes for years of content. Based on Slavic myths that Uros Banjesevic had been told when he was a child to frighten them, as in all European ghost tales, there are many trips to the game. Uros is a strong supporter of games as a service and he wants to make sure that the players will always have a hard way to go. The game will host four characters at launch and then grow from there. The team is always focused on the skills and ensures that the skills match the different characters and offer the best options for each adventure.

Pagan Online comes on the market at the perfect time. As fans of the genre are looking for a new game to play. There are many hopes after the title. We are certainly excited to see what will be delivered and wish to enter the beta soon!


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