Panel chairman says Trump will be part of Jan.6 probe


representative Bennie thompsonBennie Gordon ThompsonPelosi weighing GOP picks for Jan 6 probe Jim Jordan among McCarthy’s picks for Jan 6 panel, NY Progressive Bowman presenting 6B “Green New Deal for Public Schools” MORE (D-Miss.), Who chairs the select committee investigating the Jan.6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, said the former President TrumpDonald TrumpOn money: Schumer puts pressure on spending strategy from all sides | GOP hammers HUD chief over slow rental aid | Democrat proposes taxes on commercial spaceflight Night healthcare: Fauci clashes with Paul – again | New York Reaches $ 0.1 Billion Settlement With Opioid Distributors | The Delta variant accounts for 83% of COVID-19 cases in the United States. Defense overnight: Military justice review included in defense bill | Pentagon watchdog to examine ‘nuclear football’ safety | Pentagon carries out first airstrike in Somalia under Biden MORE will be part of his investigation, telling The Guardian that “nothing is forbidden”.

Thompson, who is also chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and drafted the bill creating the independent commission, said he was prepared to impeach lawmakers and senior Trump administration officials who might have been involved in the attack.

He told the Guardian that he “absolutely” intends to conduct a broad investigation against Trump and some of his key allies on Capitol Hill.

“The problems of January 6 are one of the most important challenges we have as a nation, to ensure that this democracy does not fall prey to people who do not really identify with democracy,” said Thompson to the media.

He said Trump and the House Minority Leader Kevin mccarthyKevin McCarthyPelosi weighing GOP picks for January 6 probe The Hill’s Morning Report – Will Schumer backtrack? Jim Jordan among McCarthy’s picks for January 6 panel MORE are among the key witnesses to the investigation, in large part because the California Republican was on the phone with Trump at the time of the attack.

“There will be no reluctance on the part of the committee to sue,” said Thompson, referring to McCarthy’s appeal. “The committee will want to know if there is a record of what was said. “

He also said any communication with Trump from this day forward will be important to consider.

“If someone spoke to the president on January 6, I think it would be important for our committee to know what was said. I can’t imagine you talking to the president about anything else on January 6, ”he said.

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiEthics panel maintains 0 mask fines against Greene, other GOP lawmakers Trump says he will meet with Cheney challengers ahead of approval Pelosi weighing GOP picks for Jan. 6 inquiry MORE (D-Calif.) Has appointed eight lawmakers to sit on the select committee investigating the January attack, including the Republican representative. Liz cheneyElizabeth (Liz) Lynn CheneyTrump says he will meet with Cheney challengers ahead of approval Pelosi weighing GOP picks for January 6 probes Jim Jordan among McCarthy’s picks for January 6 panel MORE (R-Wyo.), Who has become the most prominent critic of Trump and his role in provoking the riot.

McCarthy announced his panel picks on Tuesday. They include Rep. Jim jordanJames (Jim) Daniel JordanNight Health Care: Fauci Confronts Paul – Again | New York Reaches $ 0.1 Billion Settlement With Opioid Distributors | Delta variant accounts for 83% of COVID-19 cases in US Pelosi weighing GOP picks for Jan 6 probe Fauci: Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about “and I mean it officially” MORE (R-Ohio), who has been one of Trump’s staunchest allies on Capitol Hill and voted to overturn election results in January.

Thompson said the primary focus of the investigation will be on the facts and circumstances surrounding the attack. The first hearing is due to take place on Tuesday.

He stressed that he was prepared to subpoena Trump officials linked to the attack if they voluntarily refused to speak to the committee. He said dropout tactics, like those used in Trump’s first impeachment, will not be viable this time around because there is no deadline to release a report.

Thompson said if officials refused to testify, the committee “would take him to court.”

He also warned that the committee would lay criminal charges against Trump if it became apparent that White House records from the period between the November election and January 6 are missing or destroyed, which would have become a concern for some Democrats.

“I see no hesitation on our part to continue down this path,” said Thompson. “If respect for the rule of law is not respected, it is one more reason for this select committee to exist.”


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