Parents are filming a baby who is falling on his head by a doctor: "treated like a sack of potatoes"


Derrick and Monique Rodgers say that they were not looking for much after capturing hospital staff dropping their newborn on their heads a few moments after he was born. Excuses would have been enough.

Instead, the Chandler Regional Regional Medical Center in Arizona entrusted them with the process and decided to share the video publicly.

The couple's twins, Morgan and Madison, were born prematurely on Valentine's Day. Moments after the birth of Morgan, Derrick Rodgers filmed a medical staff member dropping the baby on his head on a table. Another staff member quickly grabbed the child to prevent him from falling to the ground.

PHOTO: Monique and Derrick Rodgers shared a video of doctors at a hospital in Chandler, Arizona, abandoning one of their twins shortly after their birth in February.
Monique and Derrick Rodgers shared a video of doctors at a hospital in Chandler, Arizona, abandoning one of their twins shortly after their birth in February.

"It made me so crazy, as if, I had to stop recording," said Derrick Rodgers at Phoenix's affiliate ABC, KNXV.

The incident only lasted a few seconds, but the baby's mother said she'd promised she would never watch this video again. "

The twin girls are both at home and Morgan's health is not a serious concern, according to their parents.

Derrick Rodgers said that he then went to the doctor, but he had ignored his concerns.

"I told him: 'You dropped my baby,'" he said, recalling this meeting in an interview with KNXV. "He looked nonchalant, then I showed him the video, and he had nothing to say afterwards."

PHOTO: A doctor dropped Monique and Derrick Rodgers baby just moments after he was born in Chandler, Arizona, in February.
A doctor abandoned Monique and Derrick Rodgers' baby shortly after he was born in Chandler, Arizona, in February.

The family has not even received an apology from the Chandler Regional Medical Center.

"Excuses when this happened could have done a lot of things," said Monique Rodgers.

They later learned that Morgan had undergone an ultrasound and suffered from a germinal matrix hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain. The Rodgers, who have two older children, were informed of the ultrasound only six weeks after taking it, they said.

GMH is not uncommon in babies born prematurely and this may have nothing to do with gout.

PHOTO: The Chandler Regional Medical Center in Chandler, Arizona, said it was taking very seriously the video of a doctor dropping a newborn baby.
The Chandler Regional Medical Center in Chandler, Arizona, said he was taking a video of a doctor dropping a newborn baby "very seriously."

Nevertheless, the couple is worried about the possibility of shaking the baby and has planned to see a neurologist.

"I have the impression that she was treated like a sack of potatoes," said Monique Rodgers.

The hospital can not publicly comment on the incident due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), but said the incident was taken "extremely seriously."

"Due to laws on patient confidentiality and the family's request not to disclose information, we can not specifically comment on this case," said Chandler Regional Medical Center in a statement to KNXV . "The safety of our patients and their families is always our primary concern." The medical team at Dignity Health Chandler Regional Medical Center takes this issue very seriously and strives to conduct a thorough review. "


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