Parents try to impeach school principal for reporting Iron Maiden


Parents at a Canadian public high school are trying to remove the principal because she posted images on social media displaying her fandom for Iron Maiden.

The controversy stems from photos of Ms. Sharon Burns, the principal of the school, displaying the usual rock ‘devil horns’ hand gesture, as well as a hand-made sign with the number 666. The images have been posted on a public Instagram account used for school purposes.

“As parents concerned about impressionable children at Eden High School in St. Catharines, Ontario, we are deeply disturbed that the principal assigned to the school blatantly displayed satanic symbols and her allegiance. to satanic practices on its public social media platforms where all students can see them, ”says a petition launched by parents. The group goes on to say that “the school is based on inclusion and that openly posting satanic symbols (on a public social media platform) that go directly against the principles of the vast majority of families. who represent the school, is not inclusive. As parents, we ask for his transfer to another school.

A follow-up post on the petition’s page insisted that parents weren’t concerned about Burns’ musical choices, but rather his homemade panel.

“This petition is not about Sharon Burns’ love for Iron Maiden. It never was at any time. This petition concerns the principal of a school openly displaying his own handmade sign with the 666 clearly displayed on it, which she knows very well what this satanic symbol means to the vast majority of families at her school and she l ‘put on a professional, public @edenprincipal social media account, not a private account, which she very easily could have done, “the post read.” If she hadn’t posted a photo of her own billboard. 666 handmade, this petition would not exist. Nobody cares which band they like and it’s not about her choice in what she listens to. It would be mean and absurd. It is only a matter of openly choosing to display satanic symbols on a professional profile page.

In response to parental outrage, the students rallied around Burns.

“It’s ridiculous that a parent couple would judge their role as principal only on the basis of an Instagram post. (About loving the Iron Maiden band. That’s it.), ”The students proclaimed in their own petition. “Eden high school is a public school. Not a Christian school. If you somehow dislike the principal of your child’s school, grandchild, parent, etc., then send him to another.

The students further stated that Burns “only spreads love and kindness, and is possibly one of the best and most enthusiastic principals the school has ever had.”

At the time of writing, the students ‘petition had more than 7,600 signatures, compared to 365 for the parents’ petition.

Iron Maiden albums ranked

Perhaps the most striking thing when ranking Iron Maiden’s albums is that they were successful despite the change of lead singer three times.


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