Parkland victim’s mother says she spoke with Marjorie Taylor Greene about school shooting plots


The mother of one of the victims of the 2018 Parkland School shooting said she spoke to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., After the first-grade lawmaker was beaten up with a widespread backlash last week for extravagant comments she had made on social media, including one suggesting the shooting was a “false flag.”

According to Linda Beigel Schulman, whose son Scott Beigel was killed in the attack, Greene said she did not believe the major school shootings of the past decade were false flags or staging. But, Schulman said, Greene refused to join her in publicly disowning them by her side on MSNBC.

“It’s wrong, it’s just plain wrong,” Schulman said in an interview with “Weekends with Alex Witt,” when asked about her thoughts on Greene’s promotional plots on major mass shootings. “She shouldn’t be lying,” Schulman added.

She said a member of Congress had helped her put her in touch with Greene, and that they spoke on Zoom on Saturday.

“When we started our conversation I was totally frank and told Congresswoman Greene that I was going to be on MSNBC today,” Schulman said. “The parameters were set and the only topic discussed would be the school shooting in Parkland and Sandy Hook and the conversation would be completely confidential. Our discussion went very well.”

She described the conversation as “friendly and cordial,” and Greene said Schulman could share their discussion as she liked.

“My first question to Congressman Greene was, do you really think Parkland and Sandy Hook were false flags and staged?” Schulman said. “That was a really important question for me. At the moment, I can’t imagine anyone saying something like that. Their answer was unequivocally no, I don’t know.”

Schulman said that while she “really wanted” to trust Greene, she thought she couldn’t.

“Unless she wants to stand in front of the public and wants to correct the bad lies married there and wants to disavow the things she said, no I can’t believe it”, Schulman said, adding: “Maybe inside of her she believes it, I don’t know. I have no idea. I’m not in her, but you can, the words are very powerful. , but actions speak louder than words. “

Greene’s office did not immediately return a request for comment from NBC News.

Greene was first examined last week following a CNN review of her Facebook page, which showed she liked posts in recent years calling for violence against prominent Democrats while promoting extremist conspiracy theories. She has also come under fire for a video she posted to YouTube last year in which she harassed Parkland survivor David Hogg, who is now a prominent gun control activist. Greene has also expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy in the past.

Republican politicians were pressed on Sunday how the party should respond to Greene, who now faces calls for expulsion from Congress or dismissal from committees where she sits.

“The people in her district elected her and that should mean a lot,” Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, told ABC’s “This Week.” “They elected her and she will run for re-election and she will be responsible for what she said and for her actions.”

Asked whether Greene liked the Facebook comments ahead of his congressional run expressing support for the execution of House of Commons Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, as CNN reported, Hutchinson said: ” I’m not going to answer that question of whether she’s fit to serve because she believes in something that not everyone accepts. “

“I reject this,” he said. “But she’s going to run for re-election. I don’t think we should punish people from a disciplinary standpoint or from a party standpoint because they think something a little different.”

“I would not vote for her,” he added later.

Greene did not back down, announcing on Saturday that former President Donald Trump had recently called her to express his support. Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Will meet with Greene later this week, a senior GOP aide told NBC News.

“I would definitely vote her out of the committee,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Told NBC.Meet the press“Sunday.” In terms of eviction, I’m not sure … I think a district has every right to put whoever it wants. But we have every right to take a stand and say that you don’t have a committee, and we absolutely have to. “

In an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union,” Senator Rob Portman, R-Ohio, said, “The Republican leaders should stand up and say what she said is totally unacceptable.”

“I saw a few videos this weekend,” he said. “And one had to do with violence, as I see it. And there is no room for violence in our political dialogue. By the way, there is no room for violence in our country. I mean, it’s something that we have so, yeah, I think people should speak out clearly. “

He said he “wouldn’t be surprised” to see her lose her committee assignment to the House Education and Labor Committee.

“And, you know, I think that’s the way to send a message,” he said. “The voters who elected her to her constituency in Georgia must be respected. On the other hand, when this kind of behavior happens, there has to be a strong response.”


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