Pass the national emergency bills of Nancy Pelosi and Mike Lee


HSpeaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, provided assistance to President Trump 's unconstitutional and yet legally legal national emergency in the form of a vote to overturn her statement. Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, has now unveiled the permanent solution.

Section 1 of Lee's law would officially update the National Emergencies Act, requiring Congress to vote to approve a national emergency within 30 days of its declaration, otherwise it expires. Congress abdicated its responsibility to verify the president 's emergency powers a long time ago, and the necessary solution would always be a bill limiting the president' s emergency powers – temporarily or permanently. Lee's bill is the last.

As could be expected, the article One Act is dead on arrival in the House he's providing coverage for Republicans not to vote to overturn Trump's statement. Republicans are therefore left with a real option: vote yes on the Pelosi and Lee bills.

If the Trump declaration is passed, the Democrats will return in two or six years with their own bogus national emergencies. Confiscation of weapons? It's an emergency! Finance Federal Employment Guarantees? It's an emergency! Kill all the cows farting? It is an emergency.

Of course, Pelosi's resolution will give the White House an embarrassing news cycle, but Lee's will fix the problem for good. The Republican cowards who refuse to cancel the emergency declaration now that Lee's bill is on the table not only betray their obligation to control the executive power, they cast a perfect opportunity to protect the public of socialist madness if one of the crazy Democrat candidates regains the White House in 2020 or beyond.


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