Path Of Exile’s next update is Echoes Of The Atlas, out January 15th


The next expansion for Path Of Exile is called Echoes Of The Atlas, as announced earlier tonight in a Twitch livestream. It adds the usual mix of new features to the free hack-and-slasher, including new maps, endgame content, and a new challenge league. You’ll be able to play it on January 15, but you can skip below right now to watch the announcement and read a few more details.

Here’s the official trailer:

Update 3.13 for Path Of Exile is called Echoes Of The Atlas and introduces eleven new maps, revamped ancestries, passive skill trees for the Atlas in-game map, and new end-game bosses.

I’m not sure I’ve ever watched Path Of Exile and thought, “What he needs are more skill trees.” And yet: Atlas’ new passive trees are skill trees that can be found on the game map, with a different skill tree for each area. If you’re already a seasoned gamer, this is a way to introduce a bunch of meaningful new decisions into your journey through the game.

Each expansion for Path Of Exile also introduces a new Challenge League, where players compete to navigate levels with a new character. This time it’s the Ritual League, in which players trigger rituals that summon a large number of enemies to kill, and each triggered ritual also summons all enemies from each previously completed ritual. It looks like the number of enemies will become absurd, but there are systems that allow you to adjust the risk and reward of each fight before you start it.

The new endgame content centers around a spooky new character called Maven, who loves watching you fight. By defeating bosses, you’ll eventually have the ability to summon her to any part of the map so that she can watch you fight other bosses. Success in these battles eventually prompts the Maven to invite you to her realm, where she has created copies of these previously defeated bosses so that you can fight increasingly larger groups simultaneously, up to a maximum of 10.

There are a bunch of other additions and changes, including previous challenge leagues like Harvest that are built into the base game, which you can see by watching the full content reveal on YouTube.

The developers of Path Of Exile have released a new expansion every three months for years, almost without fail. This latest expansion is a rare example of one of their slippery release dates, but it’s not because it hasn’t been. It’s because they didn’t want to release at the same time as Cyberpunk 2077. Who can blame them? Everyone escaped the cyberbeast.

We have rated Path Of Exile as both one of the best PC RPGs and one of the best free PC games. If, like me, you sometimes fancy an action RPG, you might want to give it a try – but I’ll wait until Path Of Exile 2, which the last time we heard was about to enter beta one. day. this year.

Watch on youtube

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