Patricia Heaton celebrates 3 years of “alcohol freedom”


Patricia Heaton is celebrating a milestone in her life this month.

On Saturday July 10, the 63-year-old actor shared in a personal video that she commemorated three years of sobriety from alcohol. Heaton posted a short clip on Instagram, speaking to her followers as she announced her accomplishment as she completed a three-and-a-half mile walk.

“Hello friends,” she said. “It’s July, where we’re celebrating our nation’s freedom… also celebrating three years of no alcohol for me. So I just wanted to share this with you and send me a message if any of you are doing it, if any of you are doing it now and needs some encouragement, or whatever. all. Have a nice day.”

The former “Everybody Loves Raymond” star revealed in an interview with Parade last summer that she had initially quit drinking alcohol two years earlier when asked what she had changed. at home for the past decade.

“I miss it terribly, but at the end of the day I feel better,” she said. “I noticed that I looked forward to cocktails every night. And if I happened to go to lunch, I could have a glass of wine or Prosecco. There is a real statistic that women who drink moderately in their 30s and 40s often become alcoholics in their 50s and 60s.

Heaton went on to explain, “I think it’s something about your kids leaving home and the things that anchor you are not there anymore. You’re a bit out at sea, so you grab the bottle to ease the uncertainty.

Patricia Heaton in TODAY in November 2017.NBC / NBCU / NBCUniversal Photo Bank via

It’s something she saw happen after her four children, whom she shares with her husband, David Hunt, moved out, leaving the couple alone like empty nests.

“And as your hormones change, you can’t really process alcohol the same way you did when you were younger,” she explained, sharing the reason for her decision. “I quit and my life has improved dramatically. My kids are in their mid-twenties and I’ll probably be 70 when I have grandchildren. I want to be healthy for them.

Hunt and Heaton have four sons together: Samuel David, 27, John Basil, 25, Joseph Charles, 24, and Daniel Patrick, 22.

Heaton’s active decision to lead healthier lives is part of his second act, which inspired his new book aptly titled “Your Second Act,” a collection of stories and trivia about how to reinvent yourself more. late in life.

The book comes after Heaton spent nearly two decades portraying TV moms on sitcoms, including Debra Barone in “Everybody Loves Raymond” and Frankie Heck in “The Middle.” Around the same time that the ABC hit ended in 2018, Heaton became an empty nest more or less in her real life, giving her time to reflect on the things in her life that she put in. break to become a mother.

“Many of us have had to make sacrifices to be there for our children and to raise our children, and these are sacrifices most of us have gladly made,” Heaton told TODAY Parents last July. . “We didn’t want to be anywhere else. We did not want to miss these precious moments with our children.

As for the other moments of Heaton’s second act? In addition to her decision to quit drinking alcohol, she enrolled in an online scriptwriting course, became the executive producer of her own show, “Carol’s Second Act”, began producing films. with her husband and was able to participate in more humanitarian work. by becoming a World Vision Ambassador.


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