Patrick Shanahan says he appreciates the experience of Trump's management: "focused on results and results"


Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told Fox News why he enjoyed working for President Trump in an exclusive interview with "Fox & Friends," broadcast on Monday and Tuesday.

"What I like about working with the president, is that he's CEO," Shanahan told Brian Kilmeade.

"I worked for CEOs. It is focused on results and results. Will we still agree on everything? Are we focused? Do we have the same interests? And the same goal? Yes. My job is to achieve the results necessary for the success of this country. To defend this country. "

The White House announced on Thursday that Trump intended to appoint Shanahan as Defense Secretary, putting an end to months of speculation about Pentagon leadership. He has been acting since January 1, a period of unprecedented uncertainty at the helm of the Pentagon.

Trump elevated former Boeing Co. executive secretary to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who resigned in December.


Shanahan, an engineer by training, rose through the ranks of Boeing's management during a career that began in 1986. The Puget Sound Business Journal called him a "repairer" of Boeing in a March 2016 report. He oversaw the company's global supply chain strategies and the use of advanced manufacturing technologies. Shanahan played a pivotal role in the launch of the 787 Dreamliner after the production problems encountered in the early years of the program, the report said.

In March, the Defense Department's Inspector General investigated allegations that Shanahan had shown favoritism towards Boeing during his tenure as Deputy Secretary of Defense, while denigrating his competitors. The investigation appeared to dampen his appointment, but the internal watchdog ended the investigation in April and allowed Shanahan to be cleared.

Shanahan's next steps are to provide a backup of the Trump program worldwide.

"The strategy with North Korea has not changed because it is a diplomatic strategy, but it is the complete denuclearization," he said. "My job is to make sure we are ready to deal with the failure of diplomacy. This is my goal with the army. Our strength, our preparation for strength and our readiness do not change. "

Shanahan also traveled to a border town in Texas on Saturday, announcing plans to step up border security planning and strengthen the administration's ability to do so without the Pentagon's continued support.

He also assured that the Pentagon would not withdraw its military support prematurely.

He repeated the same thing to Fox News.

"We will stay here until the borders are secure," he told Kilmeade, "We must have the backs of the men and women here who are overwhelmed."


Shanahan told Congress last week that there were 4,364 soldiers on the border, including soldiers on active duty and the National Guard, building gates, providing logistics and transportation services, and Other activities for the protection of customs and borders. Troops were banned from carrying out law enforcement duties.

Troops have been deployed at the border since last October and are expected to remain there until September.

Associated Press contributed to this report.


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