Patrick Swayze's widow, Lisa Niemi, talks about the life of the actor before the start of his new career Patrick Swayze


Patrick Swayze's widow, Lisa Niemi, recounted her life with the actor a few days before the new movie I am Patrick Swayze first.

Fans loved him in Dirty Dancing, Relay, Ghost, The foreigners and so many other iconic Hollywood movies. However, for his beloved wife, the actor had much more to offer than what fans have seen on the big screen.

Niemi discussed with Entertainment tonight not only their life together, but also life without Swayze in the last ten years.

"Patrick was very hungry for connection. His heart and my heart were really good. The first time Buddy and I danced together, it was at a school show. We went out on stage. I looked in his eyes. It was as if everything was alive, "she recounted remembering how they met while she was only 14 years old.

Buddy was a nickname that Niemi had used to call her late husband. She and the actor were in a relationship for more than 30 years before her death from pancreatic cancer.

Swayze was all his life, but it was not without struggle. She and her famous husband even separated shortly before the diagnosis of her cancer.

"It's the worst thing in the world to cross. You spend every day fighting for this person's life. I know that he has spent every day fighting for his. He survived at 22 months, which was miraculous with the diagnosis that he received, "revealed the beautiful blonde.

Niemi has been living without Swayze for ten years, but that does not mean that their relationship is over. She believes that they still have a relationship so far.

"When you lose someone, you never stop loving him, and I now have the impression of having a different relationship with him." It's just, he's not physically present, do you know what I mean? She explained.

Lisa Niemi, the widow of Patrick Swayze, speaks frankly about the actor and his life together. Fans will learn more about their relationship in the movie Paramount Network, I I am Patrick Swayze. She is accompanied by many of her good friends, including Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Jennifer Gray and C. Thomas Howell, who talk about Swayze.


I am Patrick Swayze premieres on August 18 at 9pm. This is the last installment of the network in the documentaries I Am after I am Heath Ledger, and I am Paul walker.

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