Patriots Mailbag: Will Rex Burkhead play a bigger role without James Develin? | Patriots of New England


The Patriots season is three weeks old and I already need some intervention from some New England fans.

I really can not believe how many questions I got about negotiating for such a receiver this week. Yes, the wide body of receivers of the Patriots is on a slightly unstable ground. Julian Edelman, 33, Josh Gordon, Phillip Dorsett, Jakobi Meyers, Gunner Olszewski and Matthew Slater complete the depth chart after the release of Antonio Brown.

But which other NFL team has built-in segregated insurance on the list of people physically unable to perform their work and on an injured reserve like the Patriots? If Edelman, Gordon or Dorsett lose, the Patriots have the choice to take Cameron Meredith out of the list of PUP candidates in the seventh week and / or to choose the first round, N'Keal Harry not having access to the injured reserve during the ninth week.

The Patriotes' wide receiver depth chart is eight deep when you consider Meredith and Harry.

In addition, the Patriots have less than $ 2 million in salary space, since Brown still uses some of it. The Patriots basically had a chance to get more help from the wide receiver and used it by signing Brown.

Maybe the patriots will add another body to the wide receiver. They worked on Ryan Grant on Thursday. But acquiring a high flying option seems pointless and, more importantly, difficult.

Let's go into this week's mail.

#MailDoug. If the line is in trouble, why is Burkhead able to outperform Michel?
– @Mpls_Scott
They just have different running styles. Rex Burkhead is better at doing something from scratch. It's the changing back that can bounce around the defenders. He also showed more power on Sunday in the Patriots' 30-14 victory over the New York Jets.

Sony Michel depends more on its blockers. He probably has better returns in the short run, and he could have a better vision and be more patient.

I think Burkhead may end up playing a larger role than originally expected after James Develin was put on the injured reserve. Burkhead could be a better candidate for the offense, especially as he adds unpredictability to his ability to grab the passes.

I expect Michel to improve as the Patriots discover different ways to use it.

#MailDoug what's going on with all the drops by Gordon? Nobody talks big drops after two games.
– @GinaBKilby
Gordon still has a relatively high dropout rate for a wide receiver. According to Pro Football Reference, Gordon has dropped 5% this season and 5.9% in 2018. Pro Football Focus has dropped 15.38 this season and 11.11 last season.

It may be more visible this season because he played a bigger role in the offensive. Anyway, it has only one or two drops in 2019, so nothing has yet to worry.

With line injuries and Develin, as well as Sony's struggles, how do you see our offense evolve? More than Burkhead to be more dynamic or just plug in Johnson and stay with?
– @NFFLNestor
I think Burkhead could certainly play a bigger role. In the end, I see no way that Johnson plays the same percentage of shots that Develin received.

I think the Patriots will have to play with more sets of three and four receivers and use their pony package with two half-defenders more often without Develin.

In the end, the loss of Develin means to me that the Patriots will pass the ball more.

Yo #MailDoug What is the situation with Cajuste and the NFI list? Can he play this year?
– @ PierceRyan78
Patriots' third round pick, Yodny Cajuste, may return this season. He is eligible to come back after week 6. We have seen Cajuste in the locker room, so maybe the Patriots will return him to practice at some point this season as he continues to recover from an injury to quad.

At the same time, the Patriots have acquired offensive linemen Marshall Newhouse, Korey Cunningham, Jermaine Eluemunor and Caleb Benenoch in recent weeks, though this has been, to some extent, out of necessity. The Patriots seem to have relatively high hopes for players like Benenoch and Eluemunor.

#MailDoug do you think that Antonio Brown will play again in the NFL
– @Miniaturebadass
I think Brown will play again in the NFL, but probably not this season.

At the same time, Ray Rice never had another chance, and Dez Bryant took a long time to try his luck last season. And Bryant is not part of a team yet.

I do not compare the situations or circumstances of these three players, but once a player has reached a certain age, some teams do not really want to face any more nonsense.

AJ Green should be back soon I think, do you think we are reaching out to the Bengals to see if we can trade? Or do you think we do not feel comfortable with our reception center with N'Keal that could come back in a few weeks?

– @_cgutierrez
As mentioned before, I think the Patriots will go well with their current receiver bodies, plus Meredith and Harry. Edelman, Gordon, Dorsett, Meyers, Olszewski, Slater, Meredith and Harry are a pretty good and deep group.

The odds of quarterback Tom Brady targeting non-appointed wide receiver Antonio Brown is 127.6 with 9.8 yards per attempt and a completion percentage of 69.8.

You must also take into account the dollars and cents and, for the moment, the Patriots are right against the salary cap. It would be difficult to put Green under the hat.

Let's shoot quickly.

Would not you think that the most obvious step would be to place a narrow end of the list of 53 players at the return of Ben Watson, either by releasing him or by placing him in RI? Also, when can the move be done – Monday morning?
– @RommelRoo
I think the most obvious move would be to reduce the third quarter Cody Kessler, but it is possible that the Patriots are at the limit, Ryan Izzo or Matt LaCosse. It's not like the Patriots needed a tight third end so far this season.

Town Spa with extra crisp crust or naturale?
– @DirtyAutomatik
I had a habit of ordering a thick crust, extra crispy. Recently, though, I ordered my crisp, thin crust at Town Spa spas.

Do you need a trainee?
– @ sam_minton22
I really do. I need three trainees.

The defense seems to be the best in the league #MailDoug
– @Miichaelwashere
At this moment, yes. However, I would like to see them take on a bigger challenge before crowning them. If the Patriots are equally dominant against the Buffalo Bills this week, that would do the trick.

Do you see the Pats come back to more offenses 2 TE when Watson will come back?
– @PatsMemdotcom
For some parts, yes. I think that a two-level offensive can be effective with extendable sleeves to Michel or Burkhead. I still think the Patriots will focus on their receivers and their wider half than the tight ends and backs. The receiver and the back to the race are assets much more important than the tight backs and the half-backs.

Why did not Damien Harris get a single shot? Especially considering the seriousness of Sony Michel in the game being run? .. could determine if it is really the wrong line. Or Sony itself. You do not understand why he does not play unless he gets hurt
– @ RaymondGagne5
I think that would require the Patriots to abandon Michel to a certain extent, and this has not yet been done. I think it will take one or two injuries to Harris to find the pitch.

Rex Burkhead may look as healthy as the Pats uniform and, given the loss of Develin, he should have more playing time. Over / under 1000 yards of scrum for Rex this season? #maildoug
– @JefFullerMyself
This is an excellent question. I think I'll go there. He is currently ahead of 1,184 yards. I could see his role increase, but I could also see Burkhead get hurt after a few games.

Why is the sky blue?
– @Rwburnett
It's sad that the clouds are gone.

Is it me or since Antonio Brown was released by the Patriots, the daily media coverage following each of his gestures has faded? #MailDoug
– @ Rudens23
Yes of course. He is not in an NFL team.

#maildoug are tapping and heads on a collision course for another afc title game?
– @ bradypenn21

Has Josh Allen improved his accuracy?
– @PatsATweetin
He owns. However, his decision-making is still suspect and he gives up too often if his first reading is gone. He is on the pace of 139 races this season. He had 89 races last year in 12 games. If anything, he should reduce these postponements. Instead, he runs even more often.

Do you think they're doing an exchange for another receiver this year?
– @ JCTILT99

Photo thumbnail via Greg M. Cooper / USA TODAY Sports Images


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