Paul Feig is just going to create his own dark universe


Photo: Jeff Spicer (Getty Images)

The universe of darkness is dead, but the problem of monsters is that they always find a way back. A Depp-less version of The invisible man is already under construction, and now Paul Feig is digging into Universal's monster toy chest for his own monument to the failed potential of the Dark Universe. according to Deadline, Feig will write and direct a film titled Black Army this is somehow related to Universal's classic monsters – such as Frankenstein, Bride Of Frankenstein, Wolf Man, Bride Of Wolf Man, etc.) and new monsters created by Feig. That's what DeadlineThe sources say, at least, then we do not really know what it means or what this movie will actually be. If we are lucky, it will be a kind of stealthy launch for an interconnected universe that binds all these monsters. It would be a good idea, and we do not know why no one has tried it yet.

This will continue a supernatural series for Feig, whose next film is inspired by George Michael Last Christmas (who will definitely have some sort of ghost / angel twist), and he's out of A simple favor (Anna Kendrick magically exploited a kind of mysterious resolution power of Veronica Mars).


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