Paul McCartney to Unveil New Beatles Lyrics in New Book | Books


Paul McCartney will include the unreleased lyrics of an unrecorded Beatles song in his upcoming book The Lyrics.

On Monday, the former Beatle revealed the 154 songs that will feature in the book, which will be based on conversations McCartney had with poet Paul Muldoon. Described as a “self-portrait in 154 songs,” The Lyrics will feature songs from McCartney’s entire career, including Blackbird, Live and Let Die, Hey Jude, Band on the Run and Yesterday.

Publisher Allen Lane said the book will also contain lyrics for the unrecorded song Tell Me Who He Is. The handwritten and unpublished lyrics were found in one of McCartney’s notebooks – believed to date back to the early years. 1960 – during the preparation of the book.

The book will be released on November 2 and will also include “many other treasures” from McCartney’s archives, Allen Lane said, from handwritten lyrics sheets to unpublished photographs, drafts and personal drawings. Each song – from All My Loving to Yellow Submarine – will be accompanied by McCartney’s commentary on its creation.

“More times than I can count I’ve been asked if I would write an autobiography, but the timing has never been right,” McCartney wrote in a foreword to the book. “The only thing I’ve ever managed to do, whether at home or on the road, is write new songs. I know that some people, when they reach a certain age, like to consult a journal to recall the daily events of the past, but I do not have such notebooks. What I have are my songs, hundreds of them, which I’ve learned serve pretty much the same purpose. And these songs cover my whole life.

Muldoon, the Pulitzer Prize-winning North Irish poet, previously told The Guardian that the book was based on a series of meetings he had with McCartney for five years, in which they discussed the background to his songs. ” very intensively “. .

“In a strange way, our process mimicked the afternoon sessions he had with John Lennon when they were writing for The Beatles. We were determined to never leave the room without something interesting, ”Muldoon said. “He takes a long and careful look at all aspects of life and I think readers old and new will be struck by a book that shows that side of him. He will come out of this book as a major literary figure.

Beatles biographer Bob Spitz said he was “more eager than eager” to see the lyrics to Tell Me Who He Is. “Uncovering a new Beatles song would be like digging up Cleopatra’s sarcophagus during an excavation archaeological, ”Spitz said. “John’s and Paul’s notebooks were full of half-started lyrics, even finished songs that they threw away. In the early years, the songs came in so quickly and so furiously that many were either overlooked or tucked away in the back of a drawer. One can only imagine how many Beatles-worthy lyrics have been relegated to the trash.

None of the deleted lyrics have been posted before. The Beatles and their heirs are powerful protectors of their brand and I doubt we’ll see any lyrics other than those sanctioned by the surviving band members. But Beatles fans will dissect Tell Me Who He Is word for word to find a clue to the past of this incredible group.

Guardian music writer Richard Williams said, “Tell Me Who He Is sounds like an enigmatic title – is ‘he’ a love rival, or maybe the messiah? – but until we see it, we won’t know if these lyrics were written by Ob-La-Di’s Paul, Ob-La-Da and Silly Love Songs or Eleanor Rigby’s McCartney and Penny Lane.

The book’s release will also be accompanied by a new exhibit from the British Library, showcasing a range of material from the book, including unpublished lyrics from Tell Me Who He Is. The exhibit, in the lobby of the British Library, will run from November 5 to March 13, 2022.


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