Pelosi announces plans for ‘9/11 type commission’ to investigate attack on Capitol Hill


“To protect our security, our security, our security, our next step will be to create an external and independent 9/11 commission to` `investigate and report on the facts and causes related to the national terrorist attack of January 6, 2021 against the United States Capitol complex, ”Pelosi wrote.

Pelosi has previously called for the formation of such a commission and said she believes it is necessary.

Such a commission would be established by statute, adopted by both chambers and signed by the President. Members of the commission would not be elected leaders and would be outside of government.

In a separate letter to House Democrats earlier this month, Pelosi wrote that it is “clear that we will need to create a 9/11-style commission to examine and report on the facts, causes and safety related to it. to the January terrorist attack. 6. ”

The deadly attack prompted House Democrats to act quickly to impeach former President Donald Trump in January. The former president’s impeachment trial in the Senate ended over the weekend and ended with Trump’s acquittal on a single charge of inciting insurgency.

Efforts to beef up security on Capitol Hill and shed light on what led to its violation by a violent pro-Trump mob on January 6 are still ongoing.

In mid-January, Pelosi announced that retired Lieutenant-General Russel Honoré would conduct a review of Capitol Hill’s “security infrastructure” following the attack.

“For the past few weeks, General Honoré has been assessing our security needs by looking at what happened on January 6 and how we need to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Pelosi wrote in his letter on Monday.

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“He has worked with jurisdictional committees and will continue to make proposals. It is clear from his findings and the impeachment trial that we need to find out the truth about how this happened,” she said. .

Earlier this month, Pelosi told reporters leaving a press conference that a 9/11 commission to investigate the insurgency would be “different” from the one formed in the wake of the 11 September 2001 – and would have a greater emphasis on diversity.

“Different from September 11th. What was it, nine people? All white, one woman. It will look different,” she said at the time.

Although Pelosi praised the 9/11 commission, she said now “it’s a different world”.

Asked then who she intended to serve on the commission, Pelosi confirmed that the members would not be on it, saying, “It’s an outside commission.”


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