Pelosi rejects the AOC, the left wing of the party: "It's like five people"


HSpeaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Dispelled the weight of some of the most left-wing members of her party during an interview broadcast Sunday night.

Pelosi, appearing in CBS's "60 Minutes" show, was questioned about his ability to unify the Democrats in the House with the growing popularity of the party's far-left flank, including Socialist Democrats like the Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y. be p. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.

"It's like five people," Pelosi said. Facilitator Lesley Stahl rebuffed this idea, pointing out that there is a larger "progressive" movement within the party.

"Well, the progressive – I'm a progressive. Yes, answered Pelosi.

During the interview, she also said that congressional Democrats knew and adhered to the idea of ​​being part of the "general public".

"In general, whatever their orientation in Congress, they know that we have to hold the center. We have to be in the street, "she said.

The Speaker of the House said that she rejected the socialism advocated by some, such as Ocasio-Cortez, claiming that it was not her party's point of view.

"I reject socialism as an economic system," said Pelosi. "If people have this point of view, that's their point of view. This is not the opinion of the Democratic Party. "

Despite Pelosi's insistence that the far left has not established itself in the Democratic Party, Senator Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate of 2020, ranks second in 21 , 2% of the votes cast. RealClearPolitics.


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