Peloton says fix is ​​ready for one of its treadmill recalls


Peloton is ready to deal with at least one of its treadmill recalls. Regular owners of treads can now have their equipment repaired, which will require a technician to come to the users’ homes. They can schedule the visit from this month. The company recalled both the Tread Plus, its first more expensive treadmill, and the Tread, its newer, less expensive device, in May after reports of multiple injuries and at least one fatality on the Tread. More. There have been 18 incidents where the regular Tread’s touchscreen has fallen and caused minor cuts and bruises in the UK and Canada.

Peloton and the Consumer Product Safety Commission haven’t said exactly what’s wrong with the tread – only that the touchscreen could come loose – or how it’s fixed. There are currently only 1,050 units of the tread, so this is not a massive recall, but still a business for Peloton. The company was supposed to widely launch the device in the United States in late May, but has not provided an updated timeline since the recall. He also did not say when the Tread Plus could be repaired, including 125,000 impacted units. During a call with investors in May, CEO John Foley said Tread Plus “could take months” to return to market.

He also added that the company had to be an “industry leader in safety” and that the repaired products would be “one of the safest, if not the safest, treadmills in the world.”


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