Pence to attend Senate GOP lunch on Tuesday


Vice President Pence will attend a Republican Senate luncheon on Tuesday, his first meeting with the caucus since President TrumpDonald John Trump A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for the vote count said the office was receiving death threats that Biden would call on governors and mayors over the mask mandate The campaign’s election fraud hotline Trump inundated with prank calls MORE lost the 2020 presidential election.

The closed-door session comes as most GOP senators have refused to call on Trump to concede the race to president-elect Joe bidenJoe Biden A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for counting the votes said the office is receiving death threats that Biden will call governors and mayors over the mask mandate The Trump Campaign Election Fraud Hotline inundated with prank calls MOREand majority leader in the Senate Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellSunday shows – Biden victory resonates Buttigieg: McConnell will have to decide if he’ll block healthcare, tax plans This election wasn’t a zero-sum game, and it’s going to be even more complicated (R-Ky.) Won a victory lap in the Senate after performing better than expected in the main Senate elections.

Pence has stopped echoing Trump’s claim that the election was stolen from him.

“I told the @VP team today, ‘It’s not over until it’s over … and it’s NOT over!’ President @realDonaldTrump has never stopped fighting for us and we will continue to fight until every LEGAL vote is counted! ”Pence tweeted Monday.

Pence has remained largely out of public sight since appearing alongside Trump early Wednesday morning, where the president falsely claimed he won the election.

Pence is also expected to leave on Tuesday for a personal trip to Sanibel, Fla., An island near Fort Meyers, where he previously vacationed. A Federal Aviation Administration notice said the vice president would be there until Saturday.

Tuesday will be the first time Republicans meet in caucus since the election. Congress is focused on a busy year-end program that includes the need to fund the government, push for a “targeted” coronavirus relief bill and confirm more court candidates.

Pence had previously attended a GOP Senate luncheon in June, as he tried to reassure senators amid an increase in coronavirus cases. The country is currently experiencing another spike in cases as public health experts prepare for a harsh winter.

Pence also attended a GOP Senate luncheon last year to discuss Trump’s declaration of national emergency on the border wall amid congressional efforts to block it.


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