Pence to spend time in Florida as Trump refuses to concede


Vice President Pence heads to Florida for a personal trip as President TrumpDonald John Trump A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for the vote count said the office was receiving death threats that Biden would call on governors and mayors over the mask mandate The campaign’s election fraud hotline Trump inundated with prank calls MORE refuses to concede the election several days later Joe bidenJoe Biden A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for counting the votes said the office is receiving death threats that Biden will call governors and mayors over the mask mandate The Trump Campaign Election Fraud Hotline inundated with prank calls MORE was to be the elected president.

Pence will leave on Tuesday for Sanibel, an island near Fort Meyers, where he previously spent a vacation. A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notice said the vice president would be there until Saturday.

Spokesmen for Pence did not respond to requests for comment on whether the vacation was scheduled before the election.

Pence has remained largely out of public sight since appearing alongside Trump early Wednesday morning, where the president falsely claimed he won the election. Trump and some allies have since alleged without evidence that widespread voter fraud was the root of why Biden is leading in several battlefield states.

The vice president was careful not to make such sweeping allegations while remaining supportive of the president.

“I told the @VP team today, ‘It’s not over until it’s over … and it’s NOT over!’ President @realDonaldTrump has never stopped fighting for us and we will continue to fight until every LEGAL vote is counted! ”Pence tweeted Monday.

But Pence did not make the same accusations Trump made about election theft. He also continued with his daily duties in a way that Trump did not.

The president has not spoken publicly since Thursday night’s briefing and has had no public events on his agenda since. Pence held a coronavirus task force meeting on Monday afternoon and held a fundraising appeal for the Trump Campaign Legal Fund on Friday.

Pence can visit Georgia after his stay in Florida, according to The New York Times, to boost Sens. David PerdueGeorgian GOP Senators call on Georgian Secretary of State to resign Andrew Yang who moves to Georgia to help Democrats in Senate second round Ossoff challenges Perdue to three debates ahead of Senate second round in January MORE (R-Ga.) And Kelly loefflerKelly Loeffler Romney: Americans apparently want a change in leadership, but not a ‘sharp left turn’ in politics Abrams says Georgia Democratic Senate candidates can ‘absolutely’ win second-round races QAnon proves that Internet companies are not up to the task of defending democracy MORE (R-Ga.) Before their January elections.


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