Pennsylvania governor stops alcohol sales on Thanksgiving eve


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced new COVID-19 safety measures on Monday, including stopping alcohol sales the day before Thanksgiving.

Wolf said bars and restaurants should stop selling alcohol from 5 p.m. Wednesday until 8 a.m. Thursday. He added that Thanksgiving is “the greatest day for drinking” and hopes the warrant could help slow the spread of the virus, The Morning Call reported.

Wolf also said he wanted to avoid another state lockdown and encouraged people to stay home for the holidays.

“It’s an opinion,” he said. “All Pennsylvanians, to stay safe, must stay at home. It is vital that every Pennsylvanian takes these mitigation measures seriously. “

Other measures require that gatherings be small and limited to members of a person’s household and that schools in counties where the spread of COVID-19 is “substantial” must continue to follow safety measures such as than wearing masks.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf
Pennsylvania Governor Tom WolfAP Photo / Julio Cortez

The governor said Pennsylvania was on the verge of seeing 22,000 daily COVID cases in December.

“As our hospitals and health care system face increased pressure, we need to redouble our efforts to keep people safe,” Wolf said in a statement.

“If our health care system is compromised, it is not just patients with COVID-19 who will suffer. If we run out of hospital beds or if hospital staff are overworked to the point of breaking down, care will suffer for every patient – including those in need of emergency care for illnesses, accidents or chronic conditions unrelated to COVID-19. “


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