Pennsylvania sees number of new COVID-19 cases rise | Pennsylvania News


HARRISBURG, Pa .– The new COVID-19 case numbers in Pennsylvania mirror those nationwide.

The state has reported nearly 1,500 new cases of coronavirus in the past seven days. That’s a big jump from the 907s reported the week before. This is the first time that new cases have tended to increase in Pennsylvania since early spring, but the daily numbers are still only a fraction of what they were during the winter peak.

The state Department of Health reported an additional 415 positive cases of COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the statewide total to 1,215,767.

Average daily hospitalizations have continued to decline slightly over the past 14 days, but experts warn that will change if new cases continue to rise. 247 people are hospitalized with COVID-19. Of that number, 50 patients are in the intensive care unit with COVID-19, according to the state health ministry.

The statewide percentage of positivity for the week of July 2 to July 8 was 1.2%.

The state health department reported four more deaths on Friday, bringing the state’s death toll to 27,786.

Pennsylvania ranks 5th among 50 states for total vaccine doses administered, according to the CDC on Thursday. 61.5% of Pennsylvanians aged 18 and over are fully vaccinated.

5.5 million people are fully vaccinated, with a seven-day moving average of over 12,100 people per day vaccinated.

People who have not yet been vaccinated or who are partially vaccinated are always encouraged to wear a mask when in public.


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