Pentagon investigation reveals increasing sexual assault in ranks


Survey data released this week at the army scale indicate that alcohol consumption remains a stubborn contributory factor and has been implicated in 62% of assaults against women.

Attacks have increased in all branches, but the Marine Corps, which has proportionately more junior soldiers and far fewer women than other services, has had by far the highest rates. One in 10 women surveyed in the Marines reported being assaulted, twice as much as the military or the air force.

"Sexual assault erodes trust and cohesion within the Marine Corps team, degrades our deadly capacity and availability, and is inconsistent with our core values ​​of honor, courage and courage." commitment, "said the Marine Corps in a statement. "At the end of the day, this is a question of trust: to get the other Marines to take care of each other."

The survey found that the rate of assaults against men in the military was much lower than in women. Overall, about one in 100 men surveyed reported being assaulted in the last year, with the highest incidence reported in the Navy.

The investigation revealed that the troops were undergoing more assaults, but they were a little less likely than before to report them. The reporting rate, a barometer of troop confidence in ensuring that the military will punish attackers and protect the victims – went from 32% in 2016 to 30% in 2018.

It's still way better than the reporting rate estimated at 7% in 2006, according to the new report. But Don Christensen, a retired Air Force Judge and Chief Prosecutor, said that a large majority of victims do not trust the system.

"It shows that traditional methods were not working, and that it was getting worse, not better," said Christensen, currently president of Protect Our Defenders, a victims' rights advocacy group. sexual assault by soldiers.


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