People slam Amazon and Jeff Bezos after hundreds of Whole Foods part-time workers lose their benefits 2 years after their acquisition


Whole Foods reduces medical benefits for hundreds of part-time workers two years after its acquisition by Amazon.

Hayley Peterson, of Business Insider, said Thursday that the grocery chain was reducing the medical benefits of hundreds of part-time workers.

A representative from Whole Foods confirmed the changes, which are scheduled to come into effect on January 1 and reach just under 2% of Whole Foods' workforce. This change means that part-time workers will no longer be able to purchase medical coverage through the company.

Read more:
Whole Foods cuts medical benefits for hundreds of part-time workers

Whole Foods said the change was made "to better meet the needs of our business and create a more equitable and efficient planning model."

"The small percentage of part-time team members … who had previously opted for medical benefits through the Whole Foods Market Health Care Plan – less than 2% of the time". total workforce – will no longer be eligible for medical coverage through the business, "said the representative of Whole Foods. I said.

Amazon acquired Whole Foods for US $ 13.7 billion in 2017.

On social media, Amazon has been hit by change.

Others pointed out that while about 1,900 employees of Whole Foods were losing their health care benefits, Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos, was the man most rich in the world, valued at 114 billion US dollars.

A 15-year-old Whole Foods employee told Business Insider that she was devastated by the news, her family being covered by the health insurance plan she was enrolled in thanks to her work at Whole. Foods.

She added that she should increase her hours to qualify for full-time benefits and pay for childcare, or buy a new, potentially more expensive health insurance plan on the market private. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

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