Perdue takes the lead of Ossoff, Warnock-Loeffler neck and neck in Georgia


Polls in the hotly contested Georgia Senate second round were closed on Tuesday night, with the early vote tally giving Democratic challengers an initial lead that has since vanished.

With 80% of the vote counted at 10 p.m., GOP Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.) Beat Democratic opponent Jon Ossoff by more than 68,000 votes at 51% to 49%.

Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) Also edged the Reverend Democrat Raphael Warnock by nearly 53,000 votes, or 50.6% -49.4%.

The nation’s eyes are formed on the Peach State for the two races which will determine which party controls the Senate and whether new President-elect Joe Biden will have control of Congress over his left-wing platform.

Ossoff, a 33-year-old investigative journalist, and Warnock, a senior pastor at the historic Atlanta Ebenezer Baptist Church, advanced as the vote count progressed on Tuesday night, but there are still plenty of ballots left in compile.

The majority of votes counted so far have come from advance and postal votes in which Democrats consistently perform better, with higher Republican turnout on election day.

Most of the remaining votes come from GOP strongholds in northern Georgia, meaning Loeffler and Perdue could wipe out the gains made by Ossoff and Warnock late Tuesday night and keep the Republicans’ stronghold in the upper house of the Congress.

The high stakes race shattered several fundraising and attendance records.

More than 3 million people voted early – or about 40% of registered voters in the state – while hundreds of thousands more Georgians were due to surrender on Wednesday.

Given the huge turnout and huge volume of postal ballots, which cannot be counted until the polls close at 7 p.m., races might not be called for days in a repeat of the agonizing presidential election.

The outcome of the two Peach State races will determine the political direction of the United States for years to come and whether Biden will be able to push through tax hikes, the Green New Deal and another ObamaCare overhaul among many. other left-wing initiatives.

At a rally on the eve of the election in Dalton, Georgia, President Trump implored Georgians to vote and warned they would be at the mercy of Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California ) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who would become Senate Democratic-controlled Majority Leader.

“The Georgian people will be at the mercy of left-wing socialists, communists, marxists, and that’s where it’s going. You know we don’t like to use the word communist, ”he said.


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