100 years after the end of the Romanovs: it was the brutal murder of Tsar Nicholas II and all his family


The Russian Civil War was under development and the last Tsar, Nicholas II, was detained with his family in Yekaterinburg, a city in the central west of the gigantic country. The imperial family was inferior to the Red Army.

Nicholas II (50 years), who had abdicated in 1917 in a deep social and political crisis stung by his inability to improve the living conditions of the Russians and keep the country In a bloody war, he lived prisoner in the house Ipatiev with his wife, Tsarina Alexandra (46), and their children, Aleksei (13), and the Grand Duchesses Olga (22), Tatiana (21), Maria. (19) and Anastasia (17)

The intention of the Bolsheviks was to try the royal family for the deaths during the repression of the last years of Tsarism and for the fallen Russians during the First World War. But this intention had a bloody turn

  Ipatiev House Ipatiev House, where the tsars and their children were killed. / AP

In mid-July 1918, an attack by the White Army (an anti-communist party uniting monarchical and liberal forces) threatened to take Yekaterinburg.

The Romanovs could not fall into the hands of the whites. This is how the communists decided to end the royal family. Ural Soviet Commissioner Yakov Yurovski determined the death of all

Thus was murder

On the night of July 17, 1918, the imperial family was ordered to stand up and meet in a small room. 6 of 5 meters. His captors told them that they would pose for a photo before being transferred to a safe place, in front of the attack of the White Army

  Nicolás and the wedding of Alejandra Illustration of the marriage of Tsar Nicholas II. The extreme luxury of the imperial family has generated a deep hatred among the dispossessed Russians. / Thinkstock

In the small room, the tsars, their children, a maid and her family doctor met in the small room. The tsarina immediately demanded three chairs for herself, her husband and the little heir. Bolshevik soldiers responded to Alejandra's request and brought more than two chairs

. The tsar sat next to his wife and placed his 13-year-old heir on the legs, while the duchesses were seated. The servants and the doctor were placed on the sides.

The family was ready for the photo, but the cameras never appeared. However, if 17 soldiers entered with Yurovski, who without further reading the following order of the Ural Soviet: "Nikolai Aleksandrovich, given the fact that your loved ones continue their attack on Soviet Russia, the Executive Committee of the Ural he decided to execute you. "

Nicholas II managed to shout" What! "Twice before Yurovski himself shot him in the head. The Tsarina tried to cross, but did not reach, when she was shot in the mouth, by Yurovski. The communist leader followed with the zarevich that he also shot.

  Nicholas II and his heir son Alexei Tsar Nicholas II and his son heir Zarevich Alexei. / Thinkstock

The rest of the pack opened a lot of fire against the rest of the family. Olga died immediately from a bullet in the head, but Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia were finished with the bayonet, since they survived cooking, mainly by the sheer quantity of diamonds and jewels that they had. they hid in his bodies.

Aleksei He died in the first shot that he suffered in the head, so he was shot in a second shot behind the ear

This was the official statement of the murder :

"Decision of the Praesidium of the Workers' Soviet, Peasant Deputies and Ural Guards: Since the Czechoslovakian bands are threatening the Ural capital of the Urals, Yekaterinburg, the sacred executioner could escape At the People's Court, the Presidium of the Divisional Committee, responding to the will of the people, decided that the former Tsar Nicholas Romanov, guilty before the people of countless bloody crimes, will be shot. "

  Ipatiev House Thus remained the small room of Ipatiev house where the imperial family was shot. / Getty Images

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