2018 Russia: Diego Armando Maradona Is Excused For Statements Of Colombia's Defeat | Sports


They calmed him down. After his controversial statements after the victory of England against Colombia, Diego Armando Maradona sent a message through his social networks after a statement by FIFA rejecting the position of the former player of the day. Argentine national team.

"Pelusa" expressed that "taken by the bloating emotion for Colombia another day, I said a few things and, I admit, some of them are unacceptable. "

YOU CAN SEE Maradona in Colombia: I'm moved, it was a monumental flight "| VIDEO

The International Football Organization said yesterday that Maradona's views were" inappropriate and totally invalid, "in addition to pointing out that the federation" regret to read these statements of a footballer who wrote the history of our sport. "The sports entity" strongly condemns criticism of the performance of the referees, which she considers positive. "

The" D10S ", world champion of Mexico 1986 declared:" My apologies to FIFA and to President ( Gianni Infantino ) As much as I may have opinions contrary to certain arbitration awards, I have absolute respect for the work – not easy – of the institution and the arbitrators. "

Before the press release of FIFA Diego Maradon a had said in the program 'From the mano del 10 & # 39; that he was "touched because today I saw a monumental flight on the ground" in reference to the match between England and Colombia. Previously, the & # 39; Golden Pibe & # 39; caused a stir in social networks for its special celebration after the goals of Lionel Messi and Marcos Rojo in the victory of Argentina against Nigeria in the Group stage

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