& # 39; Bombazo & # 39; of Pavard against Argentina was chosen the best goal of the World Cup | Trade | Total Sport | Football world


The FIFA ends up announcing that the & # 39; bombing & # 39; Benajmin Pavard French against Argentina was chosen as the best goal of the World Cup Russia 2018 according to the vote of the fans. The goal meant the provisional tie (2-2) before the Gauls returned the scoreboard and qualified for the quarter-finals.

Pavard 's conquest, in the upper left corner, exceeded 17 candidates in a vote that accumulated three million votes. The Russian Denis Cheryshev against Croatia in the semi-final is another one of the most listened.

Recall that the 22-year-old right-back was the first holder of an international competition. Moreover, it is his first goal in this category of tournaments.

Among other curiosities, he saw the final of the Euro 2016 in a "fan fest" placed in France . in this World Cup, he played a key role. For the emotional injection for France, his greatest achievement was precisely to convert the draw against Lionel Messi's team. Previously, Ángel Di María had beaten the goal of Hugo with a spectacular shot.

"I tried to connect the balloon to the side from where it was coming, as I was told by the attackers. When I got in the goal, I was just very happy, "said Pavard after the match.


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