& # 39; Margarita 2 & # 39 ;: Save the Family Value – Diario Expreso


In its first part, box office success exceeded 550,000 spectators. Today, the adventures of Margarita 2, a film directed by Frank Pérez Garland and starring Francisca Aronsson and Giovanni Ciccia, will be presented on August 2nd. "I'm inviting the whole family because it's a film that's not just for kids but that talks about the family, in this case the birth of a being. C & # 39; It's nice that the family is growing up, "says Ciccia.

Before the consultation there will be a third installment, the actor says that it will depend on the public acceptance. "It always depends on the audience, but we're in the second, so many people go to the movies because we'll do 3 and 4 if you want." 19659002 & # 39; Margarita 2 & # 39; also has the participation of Vanessa Saba, Cesar Ritter, Marco Zunino and Melania Urbina. Precisely, the latter saved the family message of this production. "It's a family project, we know that the audience was captivated by the first part and we are sure that they will see the second part," he said

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