This is not a left-wing government, it is a right-wing military government


The Argentine investigative journalist, Jorge Lanata spoke to RPP Noticias about the current situation of journalism, the role it plays in corruption and problems affecting certain countries Argentina, the United States and Venezuela .

Lanata is considered one of the continent's leading investigative reporters and one of his most notorious fates was when in 2013 he published all the acts of corruption perpetrated against him. former Peronist President Néstor Kirchner (2003 – 2007) and who continued his wife, also former president, Cristina Fernández (2007 – 2015).

This morning the reporter was in RPP and these are his ratings.


The conductor of 'Journalism for All & # 39; also spoke of the current situation affecting the oil country and criticized the attitude that keeps the political leaders of the opposition who can not face it Nicolás Maduro . He also denied that the dictatorship of the president was a leftist ideology.

"What astonishes me the most in Venezuela, is that its political leaders, many prisoners today, are divided in front of Maduro (…) Their own misery, by their own small thought division The "I want to be me" (…) I do not believe that Venezuela is a left-wing government For me, it's a right-wing military government. "

Corruption in Latin America

Lanata criticized the fact that in several countries of the region the true concept of what the state means is not understood until now and this is reflected in the various acts of corruption that were committed throughout history.

"The concept of the state in Latin America is madness.We do not understand what it is.We believe that the state belongs to the party that governs.The state is the entire nation, so the state can not say to whom it gives and who does not because it has to make an equality criterion because the resources are not the same. 39, State, they are from the community, "he said Government

In 2013, Lanata discovered audios of testimonials from businessmen who worked in Casa Rosada and acknowledged that they were working with the then president, Néstor Kirchner carrying sacks of millions of euros to Swiss tax havens.After the scandal, the government, then taken at the command of his wife Cristina Fernandez, attacked all official media.

His program "Journalism for All" was the most watched in 2013 and scored the political agenda of the rest of the media. d & # 39; Argentina.

"With Menem we threw a few ministers, including the president's brother-in-law, and although we had an ugly relationship, the agreement with the old politicians was civilized." With Kirchner, it was a battle, "commented the journalist

" They launched themselves as nobody else, as no other government has launched media backed by an official directive and on the other hand of Attacking journalists like never before, then there was a paradox because on the one hand they had means and little audience

Donald Trump

The journalist commented that 20 years ago, it was unthinkable that Donald Trump became president of United States. but not for lack of political tact, but "for brute".

"They change the codes of politics, it seems to me that they are changing the logic of politics." Suddenly, a guy as President Trump 20 years ago would not have occurred. It could not have been raw. The guy is basic and yet he is president. It's as if the values ​​of classical politics had changed and thrown away other things. There is the subject of false news, "he argued.

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