Alejandra Baigorria of "reality girl" to sport – Diario Expreso


Alejandra Baigorria seems to have been left behind the media competition programs. And is it according to the model itself, arrived from Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a sporting medal in athletics. Sometimes the blonde model and her mysterious gallant are sports fans; That's why they participated in a well-known event in the gaucho country. "Hobby or things like sports if you're done with someone you love, motivate and improve together." "It drives me to be the best." I appreciate the moment I'm at it. "Alejandra said

Alejandra expressed his desire to continue to be part of international sporting events. Baigorria acknowledged that he is going through one of his best moments in the sentimental field after a long time. "If we're good at love, too, always, I'm very grateful for the moment I am, I feel super happy."

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