Keep in mind: the most memorized underground rescues in history


The living discovery of 12 children trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand with their coach for more than nine days, moves the world. However, they did not spend the most time underground before being rescued.

Of the 33 Chileans of the Copiap mine who inspired a film, a mountain biker who hit his head and was helped by dozens of rescuers, a review of the most iconic cases in the world [19659003] Injured and motionless

In 2014, in Untersberg, Germany, more than 700 rescuers took part in the rescue operations of Johann Westhauser, a 52-year-old man was in the company of two other people when a stone fell that made a wound on his head. One of his companions walked for several hours to warn the rescue services while the other remained with the wounded.

Rescuers and doctors from five countries worked to remove them from the place where they were, 1,000 meters underground. The man was evacuated with the help of a winch, 11 days after his head was injured.

Trapped miners

In 2012, in Ica, Peru, nine miners were trapped for seven days underground. Evacuated lifeguards wrapped in blankets and sunglasses to protect them from the light of day, after a week in total darkness.

Relief operations were threatened by the risk of new landslides in the mine, as rescuers were biting to clear the way. Stuck in a hole 250 meters underground, the miners joked and exercised to pass the time and keep their nests high. "This moment is like reborn, declaring one of the saved men.

We are well the 33

In 2010, one of the most iconic cases of recent times has occurred. On 5 August, 33 men were trapped underground after a landslide at a mine in Copiap, Chile. They were presumed dead but a probe was able to locate the few survivors, 17 days later.

Miners sent this photo of the encierro

They survived only with 15 cans of tuna, which they shared: we ate a teaspoon every 24 hours, then every 48 hours, and finally, every 72 hours, we declared one of the survivors, Franklin Lobos.

After locating them, a relief well had to be drilled to reach them, which took weeks before they could be brought to the surface. In total, they spent nearly 70 days trapped 600 meters underground.

In France

On November 22, 1999, the rescuers arrived at the place where seven speleologists (who explore and study the underground cavities), were trapped in a cave for 10 days, in Gramat, France. the southwest. of France. All had experience, but they were trapped in the chasm of Vitarelles (center-south) after a strong storm that caused flooding.

During an unprecedented recapture operation in France, the experts dug several holes in the rocks and followed an underground river to find speleologists. They had rationed their food and had enough water and gas to light the area when they were saved. Everyone was healthy.

(Source: Crnica)

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