What are kids "googling" nowadays?


Derived from the statistics of its users and its parental control tool, Kaspersky Lab has published a study in which it reveals what minors look for most frequently on the Internet. Here are the results:

The trend of videos is the biggest among the smallest users of the Internet. Today, videos of all kinds, from musicals to influencer content, account for 17.25% of total child research.

There are also videos on toys and video game transmissions or "games". Kids are looking for such videos on platforms like YouTube and Twitch.

The 13.5% child searches correspond to translation services, such as Google Translate. "The younger generations do not allow something as insignificant as not knowing a language to hinder their online exploration," says the study.

Communication between them is essential. The 9.8% of Kaspersky's statistical searches correspond to social networks, among the most popular Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte and Tumblr.

The above does not mean that the time they spend on social networks is less than that they spend watching videos, for example, since they can often access the platforms without having to do research, with direct access, for example.

Although these percentages are lower, adult content is also included in the study.

The signature indicates that the 9.09% of searches correspond to computer games for adults, while 8.59% are searches for pornography.

But do not worry, the percentages of children who visit pornographic sites, by will or by accident, have decreased. Company statistics indicate that in 2017 and 2018, only 0.74% of children in the world clicked on such websites, compared to 1.16% in 2016 and 1.49% in 2015.
Another fact that will leave you calm, is that the largest number of pornographic search requests have been in Arabic.

"Children who are looking for animated content could accidentally open a porn video or they could start looking for innocent videos, want, end up on websites that contain violent content and that could have a long-term impact on them, "says Anna Larkina, web content analysis expert at Kaspersky Lab.

There are those who believe that children use the Internet as a leisure tool. But among the searches carried out by minors on the web, the 4.86% concern topics related to studies and learning.

Students are especially interested in topics related to space and science in general, as well as in dictionaries and mathematical puzzles, to a lesser extent.

In the lower percentages, there are other categories such as Music, Sports and Fitness, Online Shopping, Ánime among others. To collect statistics, Kaspersky relies on data that its customers have thrown out of Kaspersky's Security Network's parental control tool.

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