"Ant Man and the Wasp": producer seeks to surpass the first film Trade | Lights | Cinema


There is no need to be a multimillionaire or have a muscular body or supernatural abilities to become a superhero ready to save the day. That's what it raises "Ant Man and the Wasp" ("Ant Man and the Wasp") a band based on the Marvel cartoon characters that arrives tomorrow at the panel of Peruvian display.

Stephen Broussard, producer of the film, Scott Lang (the man who becomes Ant Man, in the performance of the actor Paul Rudd) is "an ordinary guy". In a telephone conversation with El Comercio, he commented: "What makes Scott different from all the others is that it's normal." He's not a multimillionaire, he's a man who just tries to find his place in the world […]. I think that's the main reason that separates it from everyone else. This superhero is not a deified being unlike other Marvel characters. "

In the sequel, some characters From the first film, they come into contact with new protagonists of the story.In addition to Ant Man, The Wasp (Wasp), interpreted by the actress Evangeline Lilly, who will take control of the missions, appears.

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This time, Scott Lang will try to balance his life and his superhero responsibilities, Hope Van Dyne (Lilly) and Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) will turn to him to prevent a villain from killing the planet that Ant Man must put on the costume and learn to fight in conjunction with the Wasp. "She is also a unique character, but her skills are derived from her family's legacy, and by joining, they will develop a dynamic between the two sexes […] .A problem that is quite interesting to explore as a duo Man-woman has never been seen in these films, "says the producer.

After box office success as "Ant Man" – the first film about this superhero hit in 2015 (US $ 57 million in the US in its first week), Marvel's focus is on renewing the story: "The overall idea was to extend everything we had done in the past. The challenge of the first part was to present all the characters in front of the viewer and to develop concepts. As for the second, we try not to fall into the repetition of the facts. With this work, we wanted to develop the emotional and conceptual connection with the fans. Technology and effects are not focused on one character, we also work 100% with all elements present in history (cars to buildings) […]. Although I think the reason it could be a blockbuster, it's that they're normal characters. They are smart in their own way and the public will be able to feel closer and identify with them. It's something new compared to what we usually see, "concludes Broussard. [ad_2]
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