Pitillo: Suitable for everyone | LaRepublica.pe


"In the year 2015, I consider it an important milestone … That year, there was a circus with media figures that closed a week after its release, and I do not say it because this news made me happy, but because the public was turning their backs on something that was sold as a circus, but that was not the case. "

Hugo Muñoz & # 39; Pitillo & # 39; announces his circus performance Fiestas Patrias, headline "Apt for All". "And lately, circuses are not suitable for everyone and I am convinced that the circus is a family show, which can be seen by grandmother, father and children together."

"If anything characterizes Cirque de la Alegría – their company – is that every year we change theme, the public who saw us last year and gives us their presence, now, will hear not the same joke, everything we change, people do not deserve to always see the same thing, "he says.

" This year the theme will be very varied, more theatrical, with a lot of demonstration and From Ukraine, there will be troupe of reckless acrobats.Aparticipants from America's Got Talent and Festival Albacete.Moreover, the Medel duo hand-to-hand of Figueres circus festival in Spain, La Scala Dúo, which are Cuban artists in equilibrium, Colombia, the dangerous Ayalas are walking on the wire, the United States adage in the heights in charge of the Dúo Ayala, the circus of the Mexico with the trapeze artist Denisse Alegría, the juggler Maritza Alegría, the contorsionni ste Claudia Alegría from Cirque du Soleil and Mexican clown Bobo Pelos from Escopeta, among others. "

Do you think that the Peruvian public has become more demanding?"

Yes, and I feel happy.The perception of the public has changed.It has become more demanding.One thing is to present a show with a face of all knowledge and another a show as it should be, with quality requirements, with career artists.In addition, I think that social networks have contributed much to this.They can no longer lie to you. saying that they bring you a quality show, because you can check if it's a fake or not.The same public requirement towards the circus show must occur at the theater and in a restaurant. [19659002] Regarded as the "First Clown of Peru", the artist emphasizes that parents have great responsibility to open the door to them.Culture and real entertainment for children. "This is not to put a mobile phone and that they see their free will for hours. Parents should know what their children are seeing. But, something better is to take them to a good circus.


  • SEASON From July 19th to August 20th, Monday to Friday from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm and Saturday, Sunday and holidays 11:00 am, 3:00 pm 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm
  • LOCATION : Jockey Plaza Teleticket tickets and ticket sales of the same circus

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