Yola Polastri: "The artist of the year is great" Shows


Owner of a vital energy, Yola Polastri reappears this Saturday as a judge in the reality show The Artist of the Year and thinks she is very rigorous in qualifying [19659002] What are your expectations as a jury in the final gala of the artist of the year? ?
I watched videos of Pedro Loli, Rossana Fernández-Maldonado, Yahaira Plasencia and Michelle Soifer, and it's really hard to write them down. The title of "The Artist of the Year" is great. I imagine that it will be a first season and that all the "artists of the year" will compete, just like Reyes of the show.

Will it be strict because it has always been characterized as a complete artist?
Yes, I will be strict. I will be attentive to what I see live and who makes a good performance or execution. I will see what I can qualify and who deserves to win. Not only will my vote be, but that of ten other people including the excellent singer Cecilia Bracamonte … I am a complete artist who has been able to jump the bars in a stadium, and you have to see who can do it all. it.

Will not you be influencing who had a quarrel with Michelle Soifer, who criticized for being a cheerleader?
No. I saw her characterize Chayanne in a musical; He is a supercant and I think the other one was not. This is our Peru with little incentive and motivation for singers … I saw the clothes that Michelle uses and so animates a children's show? When did you see with these necklines?

Follow the lack of spaces for children, do you think that one day come back on TV?
They will never put them. There are no spaces and they do not want to see children in the canals. I think it bothers them. You need programs that save values ​​and that television is not mixed with poison. Now, there are more young people who are criminals, lunatics and drug addicts.

Will it ever change?
Television is like a bad teacher. This is to repeat what someone else did, like the young man from Cajamarca who burned a person. It goes from bad to worse. I hope we do not go to what is happening in Mexico with the number of assaults and violence.

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