Uruguay Vs. France: Cavani coaches differently but shows no pain for Russia 2018 World Cup | World


Uruguay will face France on Friday for the 16th 2018 World Cup Russia and fears that it will not be able to count on one of its stars in the tournament, Edinson Cavani who was beaten in the round of 16 against Portugal.

The PSG striker has serious doubts and the media 'charrúas' placed him in the substitute bench for the match; however, Thursday's training gave insights into what could happen to the player.

Despite differential work, no discomfort has been observed in Edinson.

"The Uruguay gym players got up and climbed two stairs before crossing the yard, Cavani climbed without a problem or limping and even marked the steps for everyone can see ", Daniel Rosa, a journalist for Digital Ovation, tweeted.

The speculation continues that Luis Suárez's team-mate would be Cristian Stuani, Girona striker, and Edinson would remain on the bench of the substitute pending an opportunity. Tabárez prefers not to risk.

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