Airlines, Europe, United States | Economy


London-New York, becoming the most profitable route for its high revenues for the airline British Airways (BA), which received 1 037 724 867 000 dollars between April 2017 and March 2018, reveals the report of the airline analysis company OAG, reviewed by the BBC.

The route accounted for 6% of all BA revenue in 2017 and accounted for 42,117 flying hours ]

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After the list of OAG, five of the top ten revenue generators are trips to or from the airport Heathrow of London .

The second place is occupied by Australia with the route Melbourne-Sydney which generates a cash entry to the airline Quantas for about 854 692 402 m ilons of dollars.

Of the other roads that are most profitable are those that cover London-Singapore with an estimated income of 709,730.107 of dollars .

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