Aston Martin launches two sophisticated models for its most exclusive customers | PICTURES Trade | Wheels and nuts


Aston Martin presented two limited edition versions based on DB11. It is the Royal Henley Regatta DB11 Volante and the Classic Driver Edition, both developed by the brand's specialization department, called "Q".

The first, which refers to the relationship that keeps Aston Martin with the exclusive boating event Henley Royal Regatta founded in 1839, has a White Stone paint for his body and leather interior in Red Oxy Caithness.

The Royal Henley Regatta DB11 Volante is distinguished by the acquisition of several elements in carbon fiber and details in the bluish tone. This issue of Aston Martin maintains a price of US $ 233,000.

On the other hand, the DB11 Classic Driver Edition is a limited edition that pays tribute to the website of Classic Driver. , portal specialized in exclusive vintage cars. This model features a body in dark gray and interior with Eifel Green Caithness leather.

This limited edition will be available in two types of Aston Martin : the DB11 Coupe and the steering wheel. Its exclusivity is more than guaranteed, as only 20 units will be built for a price of US $ 292,000 each.

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