EDF: US trade policy "intensifies" risks in its economy | Economy


The Federal Reserve considers that the protectionist trade policy of the United States "intensified" the uncertainty and risks to its economy, especially in the business climate and most of the participants noted that the uncertainty and risks associated with trade policy have intensified and have shown that they could have negative effects on corporate morale and investment spending, "said the EDF, the report of its last monetary policy meeting in mid-June, published today

In fact, most of the participants at the meeting of the Federal Committee of the Open Market of the EDF (FOMC) on June 12 and 13 expressed concern over the possible negative effects of tariffs and other proposed trade restrictions, "both domestically and abroad."

Contacts in some district FED also indicated that investment plans had been scaled back or postponed "due to trade policy uncertainty," said the FOMC meeting minutes, which directs the policy. . currency of the country.

On the other hand, members associated with the aluminum and steel industries "have expected higher prices" for tariffs imposed by the US president, Donald Trump which came into effect in March.

Despite this widespread concern, US monetary policy leaders have largely supported the pursuit of a "gradual" increase in interest rates.


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